Single Permit Processing in 2022
Flanders,Fresh Application
Application date: 16 February 2022
Wp: 7 June 2022
SP:31 Aug 2022
A long wait.. wishing patience to all.
I have a question regarding to online visa application form,
What should I choose for ''Current Occupation'', my future employer or nothing ?
Also, how ''financing'' of the visit works ? Should I choose my future employer as guaranteer or myself ?
There is no necessary document for the financing for visa, how can I prove funds for a YEAR ? Can anyone help me ? I really didn't understand.
@burak karaomer congrats ! But seems 6 months is abnormal. Did they ask you for additional documents during the procedure?
Hi Everyone,
I am in need of urgent clarification. I am already living in Paris and planned to move Belgium on Visa type D soon. I have an appointment with Belgium embassy next week to submit documents.
My son birth certificate having First name with intials K.XXXXX. I have produced affidavit for France when i applied for visa and they have accepted it.
Can Belgium embassy accepts Affidavit to prove my son's name.
Can someone guide me on this.
Thanks for your answer in advance !
Flanders-Fresh Application
Application date: 4 August 2022
Wp: waiting
SP: waiting
We applied via a relocation agency of my company. It was mentioned that the work permit approval takes 4-6 weeks. However, we have not received any response yet. Does anyone know how long the approval of the work permit and whole process take currently?
Also, how long it takes to get the visa in TURKEY after single permit approval? I would appreciate it if you could share your experience with me
@Jenna24 Yes it is not normal, normally it is much shorter.Probably covid and war affected the procedure, they did not ask more documents from me, but from my employer maybe.
I am waiting for RP approval for a long time. Does anyone know if we can push this process?
@viraj madhiwala same situation. what's your timeline?
Hi all,
I have a question. Thank you for your support in advance.
Are the work and residence permit processes start at the same time?
Residence permit application process starts after the work permit approval?
@2ticketstoGhent after
@Jenna24 My employer hired lawyer for highly skilled SP process.
Flanders application filed: July 12
WP approval: August 17
RP approval: Waiting
how about yours?
@2ticketstoGhent my passport was delivered back to me at home on the 14th day after I submitted my passport for visa at VFS in Turkey
Hi, guys! Anyone had their application sent to Actiris due to low salary for the highly qualified visa? What was the outcome?
I contacted the authorities on Tuesday to find out why I hadn't received the work authorization, even though the lawyer responsible for my application said that she will receive the work permit "shortly" after the authorities deemed my application as being "admissible."
I got a response on Wednesday morning and this is what they wrote:
En effet, votre salaire n’étant pas assez élevé pour que vous soyez considéré comme un travailleur hautement qualifié, la demande est soumise à l’examen du marché de l’emploi par Actiris. Votre dossier est en attente d’un retour d’Actiris.
Dès réception de l’avis d’Actiris, nous pourrons poursuivre le traitement.
As you all can imagine, this is causing A LOT of stress and anxiety, especially because when I had the first meeting during the recruitment process for this role, I expressed my concerns to the HR about the salary and the need to meet the threshold set by the government for single permit applications. The explanation she gave was this (and I'm paraphrasing): "We apply for single permits all the time below that threshold and they get approved. What happens is that the authorities grant you a residence permit of 3 years, instead of 1 year." She assured me it wouldn't be a problem, although I didn't fully trust her explanation, I accepted the offer once I was given it (after trying to negotiate, which they refused, saying that they start everyone at the same salary to maintain fairness), because I just wanted a job after 1+ years of interviewing and not getting anything.
I don't know when my file will return from Actiris and I'm dreading what their decision will be. The role is a tech role in a FinTech company in Brussels, but it's entry level. I forwarded the response to them (company) on Wednesday, and it's been radio silence since. It is also important to mention that my start date has been moved FOUR times already due to many delays (on their part) in applying for the single permit.
Application date: July 29th (as informed by lawyer)
Privacy email received: August 2nd
Request for all the pages of my passport: earlier, but the lawyer only informed me on August 25th
Application deemed admissible: August 29th
Decision from Actiris: waiting
WP: waiting
RP: waiting
Anyone had this experience before and received a positive outcome from Actiris?
Application date: July 29th (as informed by lawyer)
Privacy email received: August 2nd
Request for all the pages of my passport: earlier, but the lawyer only informed me on August 25th
Application deemed admissible: August 29th
Decision from Actiris: received
WP: September 8th
RP: waiting
This is the response from the Brussels REM:
Please find attached the work permit.
The file is now at the immigration office for further processing.
Your application was submitted as an 'out of category' and not as a highly skilled one.
For further information please contact your employer.
Thank you very much for your response. Nice to hear that it does not take quite long time.
My husband will apply for family reunion visa, while I will apply for work visa. Do you know by chance if it is possible to get our visas at the same time in case we apply together at VFS?
I already addressed this question to VFS, but they said that it depends on the authorities. So, I am asking to you since you might have experienced this.
this is quiet common and actually recommended from the Belgian embassy here in Tunis.
I know a couple of families that submitted their reunification Visa along the type D visa of one of the spouses.
good luck
@2ticketstoGhent I don’t have experience in that case, but I did recently read someone successfully going through that instance in the “Visa D Processing Time” thread the other day.
Can anyone here please share your experience with “register in commune within 8 days of arrival” ? I will be in a temporary accomadation to start with so my questions are:
how do i get appointment with commune? will I be able to register with a temporary address? What are the steps i need to take?
Can anyone here please share your experience with “register in commune within 8 days of arrival” ? I will be in a temporary accomadation to start with so my questions are:
how do i get appointment with commune? will I be able to register with a temporary address? What are the steps i need to take?
It (8 days) is not strictly enforced.
- Some communes do the registration online, some by email, some by appointment.
- It is better to register in the commune that you will find a long-term accommodation. You can check your commune website for more info (how to register).
- Temporary addresses wont allow registration usually.
@Aneesh Thanks for your reply and info, I appreciate it.
So when I arrive to my temporary accommodation, should I go to commune there to let them know where I am, or just email?
Hi guys.
Is there any update from whom has applied from 15 July 2022 and begin of August?
Did anyone got an answer from immigration office?
Thank you in the advance
@aldishuli Hello. Renewing of single permit
Brussels Capital Region
Date of application: July 11th
WP: July 25th
RP (Annex 46): waiting
Date of application: May 17
WP: June 8
RP (Annex 46): September 13
119 days total (120 days is the "maximum" according to the Immigration Office website)
Good luck everyone, don't lose hope!
@kim83 wow congratulations. Now it seems i’m the last one
Still nothing from my side, below is my timeline :
Region Flanders
no-reply mail : 18 of July
WP: waiting
RP: waiting
Thank you for the replies guys.
My time line
Application: 1 August
NoReply e-mail: 1 August
WP: waiting
RP: waiting
It is my first application, region Flanders.
@Jenna24 You're not the last one, I believe. I'm still waiting for my RP since mid-June.
who those are waiting since long time. Its good to ask for the status because some time employer do not read the email or goes to spam. Its possible that they have asked for some documents or etc...?
Same situation ;
First application
Region: Wallonie
no-reply mail Date: 15 June
WP: 21 June
RP: still waiting
On 5th September authority demanded a copy of the all pages of my passport.
On 6th September the copy was forwarded to the authority.
Same situation ;
First application
Region: Wallonie
no-reply mail Date: 15 June
WP: 21 June
RP: still waiting
On 5th September authority demanded a copy of the all pages of my passport.
On 6th September the copy was forwarded to the authority.
Thanks for letting us know.
It is interesting that they've requested a copy of every page from your passport.
Does anyone know why they asked that?
Thank you in the advance
That is absolutely true! In my case, the authorities asked for all the copies of my passport (which had already been provided to the lawyer handling my application), but she didn't inform me until I e-mailed her for updates, and she apparently saw the request after I e-mailed her.
I have been more successful in getting updates from the Brussels' authorities than from the lawyer. Just see my last two posts above.
I'm not sure why they request for it, but it was requested in my application, too.
I think you are not the only person to wait for the same process. I too wait for that permit process for 80days
Me too...
I am waiting for Rp since my wp approval June 24
@viraj madhiwala,
Yes, on the Brussels REM's (Regional Employment Ministry) website, there is a provision for a contact form for you to fill in and ask your question. When they reply, it comes straight to your email inbox and you can continue communicating with them, if you have more questions. If your application is with the Flemish or Wallonian authorities, you can also find their website from the Brussels' one (or just look it up online) and I'm sure they have a way for folks to contact them.
Pro-tip: when contacting them, endeavor to be clear, concise, and complete! Provide ALL relevant information about your application, including your name, your employer, your role, passport number, and ALL significant dates of your application. This is to enable them have a snapshot of you and your application quickly. Nobody told me this. I just know that if I were working in a job like theirs, where I'm fielding questions constantly, I'd want to have ALL information to answer the customer(s) quickly and effectively.
Also, be polite. Acknowledge that they are busy with a backlog of applications and a huge workload. Thank them for their efforts in processing your application. I always read of people who don't get responses from the authorities when they reach out, but I wrote them at 00:30 (CET) last Tuesday and received a response the following morning at 6 AM. The second time I wrote them was last Sunday, and they replied also around 6 AM on Monday with my work permit in attachment. Normally, they aren't supposed to send this document to me.
Moral of the story, try to communicate with them effectively! Be polite! Be appreciative! And give them ALL relevant information about you and your application!
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