New members of the Senegal forum, introduce yourselves here - 2022

Hi all,

Newbie on the Senegal forum? Don't know how to start?

This thread is for you ;)

We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country,
or to tell us more on your expat projects in Senegal if you are planning to move there.

It will enable us to help you better but above all to wish you a warm welcome.

Welcome on board!

Hello All,

I just moved my family, dogs, (cats are arriving tomorrow), and horse (arriving this spring) to Saly, Senegal, from France, but California before that. We've been here two months so far and it's been very exciting to say the least. Definitely a steep learning curve, but I think we're in the rhythm of things now.

We're almost ready to branch out and start meeting people. It's been a whirlwind just setting up the house and figuring out the international move. And after the last two months, I definitely feel like an expert in importing animals. Eeep!

So a big hello to everyone on here! I'm definitely a newbie on this forum, but touti touti, right?

Welcome to Dakar

Hello sssinafrica,

Welcome to 1f60a.svg

Thank you for sharing this with us.

What took you to Senegal?

And please, feel free to start a new thread on the Senegal forum if you would like to discuss any topic with other members of this forum.

Do not forget to have a look at the Living in Senegal guide for expats as well. 1f609.svg


Cheryl team

Hello good people of this forum,

It is amazing to be on this platform and Iam interested in coming to Dakar from Nigeria to start an online training for medical and health workers,As a retired peri-operative Nurse with experience in Oil and Gas industry and well traveled to and exposed in health care industries in Europe and India,

lt will be interesting to share my knowledge in Senegal,

Thanking you,


Hi Lawal,

Welcome on board !

Happy to have you on the website.

For a good start, we always recommend members to read the articles of the Living in Senegal guide for expats. It contains lots of first hand information about visas, formalities, housing etc.

Should you need any info, feel free to start your own thread on the Dakar forum, we will be glad to know more about you and hopefully be able to guide you.

All the best,


Good morning everyone,  my name is Musa Magongo from Eswatini formerly known as Swaziland.

I arrived in Dakar on 28 August 2022 and wil be here for a maximum period of 6 years.

Hello Musa,

Welcome to the Senegal forum.

How are you finding Dakar so far? It must have been quite a change from your usual life.

Do let us know how we can assist you1f609.svg

If you have any specific question, feel free to create a new discussion on the Senegal forum.


Yoginee team

Thank you Yoginee, Dakar is a wonderful Ciry though very different from where I am coming from in terms of language,  infrastructure and the culture around here but I'm enjoying my stay.

@danshuaibu2006 Welcome Lawal, Dakar is nice but could you start basic French lesson before coming? It will help you once you are here.


@musafikile welcome to our dear and beautiful country senegal, you will not regret it.

Hi there -

I made an introduction on Monday early morning. I generally work during the night on personal topics. My account is nowhere to be found.

Have you deleted my profile?

Am Ibrahim mansaray am a very hard working man and I like to work in this beautiful country call Senegal.

    I' m a sierra leonea I have sat my WASSCE

and I want to Forder my education but I have try but nor way and I need someone to help me find me a good job so that I can save money to send myself back to school please

  please if any help want to come out

email me please.

this is my emil: [link moderated]

Hello Ibrahim.

Welcome to!

If you would like to work in Senegal then, I invite you to add your CV on Jobs in Senegal. This will increase your chances of finding a job.


Yoginee team



I am Senegalese, but i am sure you may know better than me everything around the Country or specifically the plateform. i am new in Expat, but before i travelled some and now i want to be in touch with people who introduce again or simply want to in this beautiful country in the Cost of the mediterranean Sea. feel free to contact me, i'm available on Wickr and on Signal!

with Respect

Hello Everyone,

I'm an African American female and looking to potentially retire in Senegal in the next few years. However, the last time I was in Senegal was over 25 years ago. I've visited several countries in East Africa more recently. I'll be visiting Dakar and Somone in December/January. While In Senegal I want to check out potential homes to buy or rent, also see if it's possible to work remote until I retire and most immediately celebrate the new year in Dakar. Hoping you all can provide insight about 1. reputable realtors 2. info to help me with my plans and 3) activities/things to do New Year's Eve. I'm traveling with my best friend and we'll be staying in Les Almadies neighborhood. So anything that's a must see or do, let me know. Thanks so much!

@Nancy D82 Welcome Nancy


Good Day All,

I am planning on moving to Senegal ( specifically Dakar) the end of this month with my daughter. I have never lived outside of the United States and have alot of different emotions in regards to this new chapter. I am currently searching to find accommodations for long term rental in a safe and affordable area. (I haven't found any luck that seems to work in my budget). It seems like inflation has gotten the best of the housing market in Dakar.  I am also hoping to locate some of the African American expats who are here. . If anyone can make any suggestions on where to look I'd greatly appreciate it. I'd also like to know if anyone knows of any events or meets up planned so that people can network? I look forward to hearing your suggestions/advice. 😊

@Nancy D82

Good day I too am hoping to get some information on these pertinent questions you posted. I hope someone can respond with some valuable information.  I will be traveling to the Dakar area the end of this month. 😊


Greetings. I am of Jamaican parents but moved to Senegal. I live in a village near the Pink Lake. Would love to connect with you.



Good day, I'm not too familiar with that area. Is it located in Dakar or the outskirts? How long have you been living in Senegal? I also

have jamaican parents 🇯🇲😊. Sounds cool to meet up. Send me a private message.  😊

@MelanatedBuddafly How do I private message you?


There is a mail message icon on the top of the page. I will try and send you a message and see if it works

Hello @mamajunie0001

You will notice a small envelope below MelanatedBuddafly's profile. You simply click on that1f609.svg


Yoginee team


Good day, very impressive the amount of accomplishments you've achieved thus far. I appreciate  your philosophy on the importance of learning and teaching.  Although I currently don't know of any prospective employers in Dakar seeing how I'm new to the country myself. I  hope that you're able to find an employer that will be able to  best fit the expertise you possess. Or maybe you'll open up your own.😊..either way I wish you the best of luck on your move and future endeavors. 

Greetings and welcome. I am African American


You have a nice profile. An American Director in one of the schools here needs an American teacher. I don't know if she has gotten one, but i think since you are bilingual you can get a job here.

The name of her school is International bilingual school ( ABA) is located in Liberte 6 extension in a serene environment.

Just get yourself ready and come and start work. May be later you can open yours if the need arises.


Hello zinno.katta,

Thank you for trying to help YolandaThompsonBojang1f609.svg

However, if you have any information to share with her, then kindly send her a private message since this discussion is only for the introduction of new members.


Yoginee team


Greetings   Do you have WhatsApp?

Greetings all,

I hope you're all enjoying this beautiful day in Senegal. My name is Tierra and I'm new to Dakar. Been here about 15 days. Im born and raised in Southern California, USA. I moved here to be with family and to escape the oppression and the rat race we call life in America. I would love to network with fellow expats and talk about life here in Senegal. I'm also looking for work here as an English only speaker. Any suggestions anyone may have will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. Shalom 🥰

@tierrah0124 Hello, I moved to Dakar recently too and I'm looking to meet new people here. Abi


I'm Abi I lived in the UK for almost a decade and moved back to Africa this year. I worked as a Finance Analyst and Finance Manager. I am open to new opportunities and volunteering also.

I am new to Dakar and looking to meet new people and form communities.

I am currently looking for accommodation to rent, please could anyone help with suggestions?

Hello Abi,

Welcome to and thank you for your introduction!1f609.svg

I am new to Dakar and looking to meet new people and form communities.

Feel free to engage with other members on the Dakar forum1f60e.svg

I am currently looking for accommodation to rent, please could anyone help with suggestions?

You can check the Housing In Dakar section and get in touch with the owners.

All the best,

Yoginee team


Good day , welcome.  I too am from Amerikkka and have been here in Dakar for at least 3 weeks.  I'm looking to network with different individuals as well. Do you have WhatsApp? What area do you stay? You can send me a private message if you like.


Good day Abi, welcome back. Finding housing accommodations can be very difficult and overwhelming depending upon your budget and who you work with. Do you have a particular area you're interested in? Maybe I can ask around for you? I am new to Dakar,  I'm coming from Amerikkka and foud the search for reasonable accommodations daunting at times. Do you have WhatsApp? Or you can send a private message if you like.

@Guest5788 whats your budget? Ican send you referrals. Thanks. fatou

Hello Fatou Jaw Manneh,

Please note that Guest5788 is no longer on the website.

Since we are on the New Members thread, maybe you could introduce yourself in a few words.




I invite you to follow this topic on this new thread:

