Hi to all,
My situation is a mess and I desperately need some advice. I am a South African Passport holder that is currently residing in Singapore on an LTVP. I have been here since 2011, entered into a government secondary school then further studied into NYP under a Business Diploma. I have taken up the Tuition Grant MOE has offered thus after graduation I decided to work for 3 years first, pay off the grant time then maybe consider further education.
Upon graduation COVID hit, thus I diligently stayed at home and started my job searching life. Throughout the whole year, I abided by the contract of TG and send out at least 80 job applications and more per month. My first Spass application came out negative so was the appeal. The first year I've gone through 3 job applications, with negative results.
I have been in Singapore for about 8 years by then and since Covid, traveling anywhere was impossible. So I decided to try again. I submitted an LTVP extension to the Tuition Grant website with accompanying proof of all my job searches detailing application date, company, job title, job search website, interview or not, and result. Also inclusive of snapshots of all interview outcomes as requested. This report mounted up to 30 pages with over 900 job details included. My Ltvp extension request was acknowledged and I stayed in Singapore for another year.
Second-year went on exactly the same job applications flying out, went to interviews, and also had a few companies applying S pass for me. All the SATs came back positive before application, results of the application were not. The last company was also well known large firm with barely any rejections on hand from MOM. The HR there was aware of my situation and was confident that I will be approved as the company was large and all the previous companies that has applied for me were not as known in the industry. The results were still negative. The majority of my job application came back with a rejection quote of " This candidate will not be given a work pass", the others were not revealed to me by the employers. I was never rejected into Singapore before, have not tangled into any unlawful acts during my student years here and all my student passes came by fairly easily.
So sorry for this excessively long post, but here is my question. Is there any way I can get MOM to tell me exactly what my rejection reasons were? Or is there anyone I can reach out to voice out my situation? I currently have another job application in process, it has already been rejected but the HR was kind enough to give me more time and appealed my case. I have drained all my resources trying to stay in Singapore. With work applications being rejected over and over again. Does anyone have any advice on how I can do anything to improve my situation?