City in Ecuador among the most violent in the world

Guayaquil Metro area now has the dubious honor of being among the top 50 most violent cities in the world, according to a Mexican source: … -del-mundo

Guayaquil's reputation as a dangerous, overheated, humid and dirty city has discouraged Expats from repatriating there for many years.

Many more Expats choose Ecuador's capital city as a relocation venue.  The Big G and Quito's metro populations are roughly the same.

cccmedia in Quito

That's a bummer.
That analysis by the Mexican institute  has been a standard for years. I am also surprised by Milwaukee being on the list.
The prison riots really pushed the numbers up for 2021. I imagine those counted for a sizable percentage of the figures.
Nonetheless, I still enjoy living in Guayaquil.

It's funny how this news didn't get any negative reaction at all from Guayaquilean newspapers (they all just run the newspiece as-is) but Cuenca High Life did publish a note saying "Guayaquil rejects its inclusion...". I guess this little dose of reality is too much for those running ads for Ecuador visas, and they needed to respond, and of course they had to add "but Cuenca is safe, you know".

This is totally not The Onion:
"Guayaquil is not a violent city. It's a victim of narcotráfico" … tilla=home

This man says that if you subtract the deaths related to drug trafficking, the homicide rate in GYE would be similar to other cities. I'm totally not making this up. He actually said this. He said it's not that Guayaquileans are bad people (nobody said that), and that they should not "paint us as demons" (again nobody said that). He portraits Guayaquil as a innocent city that has been "contaminated" by drug that has been produced in other parts of the country, not in Guayaquil. He even wonders why other provinces allow all that drug to come to Guayaquil. I repeat, I'm not making things up.

This article could be incredibly fun to use during a Logic lesson. Try to identify all fallacies. That is, if your head does not explode before you finish reading the article.

If we apply his logic, then Medellín during the Pablo Escobar era was totally not the most violent city in the world. It was just a pure, peaceful and innocent city which was the poor victim of drug trafficking. If you ignored all trafficking-related deaths, it was actually pretty safe.

Guayaquil was included in the top 50 most violent cities list due to last year's statistics. But so far, this year has been 3 times as violent: … tilla=home

Looks like next year Guayaquil will climb several places in the list of the most violent cities.