Dumaguete sucked - plain and simple. There were some greman guys that were bullying everybody on 'the strip' while we were there. The locals didn't like it... We weren't there long!
On panay island we found Iloilo - a big and very rich city. It was pricy. We went all the way around. Sna Jose de Buenavista is on the water and nice, in an interesting area, too. Anitki, As I remember. But there literally were no canos... and in Roxas City, also very nice, there were even fewer.
Some have asked - what do you want? Just to live out the remainder of my life IN PEACE and not be bored to death, in the process.
So I add my voice to the question, 'where should we go?'
We could always stick around here and wait for the nukes to fall...
- @The Cold War Kid
Whats bad with few foreigners??? You told a bad effect of expats in Dumaguete yourself , and a biger part of expats than they are in our home countries are sexpats and/or what I call "bar people" who drink to much alcohol, who I wouldnt want to socialice with anyway...
In the parts of Palawan, which I mensioned in earlier post, I know three foreigners there, all are nice - well one of them is a bit grumpy
- and there are a few more who I dont know.
There are very peaceful places there.
Concerning not geting bored:
To avoid geting bored you can start a business there and see what crazy things officials make... When officials screwed up as most, my tribe business partner lost hope a while by all crazy obstacles, but I said to him
-Its so crazy so it become a funny story, which you can tell your grandkids when you are old and tell them how the - then big - business started
Then we laughted about it and went on solving it. (Most are solved now. One permit left before we can start adding jobs there to poor tribe people.)
I have allready mensioned to him my idea of adding a fiesta similar to Swedish Midsummer - the family day part, not the evening drunk part
- Later when the business have profit to sponsor it with.
I have never got bored - except ONE Sunday when I were around 10 years old and a part was missing to something I had made and were eager to finnish and start using, but shops were closed because it was Sunday.
There are so many fun hobbies so there arent enough time to do all... When my father had retired he was TO SHORT of time for his hobbies so he wondered how he had managed before he retited
(He: Music, play and organice boccia league, participate in quiz competitions, exersice profesional dogs...) Before internet added more and before I got injuried so I cant do many of them, I counted not even if I would skip sleeping I wouldnt have time for all my hobbies...
Kids are fun, so if my injury get solved enough and if I will want to get more to do, I think of coaching kids basketball localy in Phils. (I have coached junior/senior basketball in Sweden.)
So there are a lot to do, so never need to be bored anywhere...