*Annonce importante*
Bonjour à tous,
Au vu du contexte sanitaire actuel et suivant les directives et préconisations formulées par le gouvernement, nous préférons reporter cette rencontre Expat.com. Les rencontres reprendront lorsque le climat sera plus favorable. Restez connectés !
Merci à tous de votre compréhension.
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Expat.com débarque à Calgary ! Pour cette première rencontre, Ron et Roxanne vous emmènent au Canadian Brewhouse, une brasserie canadienne authentique où vous pourrez goûter à une cuisine typique, le tout dans une ambiance chaleureuse et internationale.
Vendredi 20 mars à partir de 19h, retrouvez nos deux ambassadeurs et Tony, le manager de la Canadian Brewhouse pour une soirée conviviale, faite d’échanges, de rencontres et d’entraide.
Que vous soyez né à Calgary, ou dans une autre province, que vous soyez arrivé il y a dix ans ou que vous veniez d’y poser vos valises, venez partager votre expérience lors de cette rencontre internationale.
La rencontre est gratuite et ouverte à tous, n’hésitez pas à venir avec votre famille ou vos amis.
Hey everyone. Ron and Roxane here. Just wanted to add that we're really hoping to meet some "snowbirds" that live abroad part-time. We've met a few from Calgary while traveling (small world) and hope to gain some of there knowledge. We have connections in PVR and Panama but still need to learn so much more. Hope to see you at the Brewhouse!
Darn it. I’m coming to Calgary March 24th. We not expats yet though. Hubby is still working in Ontario
I will be travelling at this time - so sorry to miss this :-(
Won't be back in Calgary until the 15th of April, unfortunately.
I note that since any true expat will rarely be in Canada, your event appears to be aimed at the 'snowbird' expats. I live in Alberta and would like to attend (in Calgary), however I will still be in Phoenix on March 20. Will you be having another event in the summer, when most of the snowbird 'Expats' will actually be in Canada?
I am from Grande Prairie and would have really liked to attend. However, with the current economy and the uncertainty in the oilfield, I will not be available to attend as I need every day I can get before swing breakup. Had this event been held a week or two later, I would have definitely been in!! Perhaps I will be able to catch the next one!
I have moved to the maritimes after living in Cuba for a year. Best of luck to all!