PhD Salary... after tax?

Hi, I am about to start my PhD at the University of Aarhus. My monthly basic salary is approximately DKK 33K plus the DKK 1.4K PhD supplement. Additionally, in my case because I am a foreigner, have a fixed-term contract of less than 5 years and was recruited from outside of Denmark, I applied for the "pension exemption" scheme, which means that I will be paid together with my monthly salary an amount equivalent to the pension calculated at 17.1% of my basic salary. What I don't quite understand is whether the sum of all of the above, which is approximately DKK 40K per month will have the same tax rate or whether any part of it is deductible.

Having said all this, I'm not really clear on how much my salary will be after tax and that has me worried. I understand it's not that low, but I'm going with my wife, who won't be working there and I don't want to be financially pressured either.

By any chance could anyone give me an idea of how much I might be getting after-tax? Do you think it is a decent salary for a couple to live on in Aarhus?

Thank you all very much for your answers, your help is very valuable. Best regards!