Renovation of an old house

We're hoping to renovate an old stone house in apokoronas, any  recommendations? Also we will need an engineer to give the thumbs up before we purchase. All suggestions gratefully received!

Good day,

Do you have the plans and especially the static study? These are the first things the civil engineer will check.


Eugene D.

We have topographic plans but really want someone with experience to look at it with us and give an opinion on whether its worth renovating. i know if we decide to go ahead we'll need engineer's reports and architects plans etc but an informed opinion at the outset would be so useful. Thanks Eugene for replying.

I would like to take a look at the topographic plans, if possible of course.

Are you in Crete now?

Eugene D.

@BronaannYou should be dealing on this matter purely with a mechanic(engineer) in your locality,no one else who may advise wrongly or for their own goals which may result in you loosing your money and having to pull your house down after you spend the money,do not get involved with people on here who may claim they are lots of things.I have built a new 3 floor house,bought and sold many apartments so mind who you are getting involved with as predators abound everywhere and I am not immune to the grief of involvement with such people.

@BronaannYou must remember that this is earthquake country and these days they build new stone houses but with earthquakes in mind so they will be built in a certain way so as not to fall down into a huge pile of rubble,old stone houses dont have columns,the house I built had 19 tons of iron in it and still i saw the windows shaking one day during a seizemos so think carefully about your purchase,this is not france with those lovely old stone houses or Ireland we love to fantasize about living in,you will shake to death here so will your old pretty stone house,the village where I bought a tiny little house recently lost 94% of its houses in one of the eighties big big earthquakes,same for the 2 villages close by.I say again only a local mechanic,local lawyer,local solicitor should be involved with the local planning department in your affairs,dont take the agents word for anything,never ever.And dont trust construction workers,owners etc.. either

@concertina God, reading your last message...I conclude that everyone in our country is unprofessional and crooks who only want to do you great harm.

@EUGENE DEENo,those were not my words,they were yours,I stick by the words I said,my experience in life from a very young age has taught me to....distrust until I trust,be careful until I dont need to be careful,be suspicious until I dont need to be suspicious etc..etc..and only divulge my purchase intentions to the correct body of persons and even those must be correctly researched.Its better to be safe than sorry and Im sorry if you are offended,that was not my intention.Multi national companies can afford to loose millions without even loosing a nights sleep but the average person walking out there must think twice and more before making any moves.And I never said...this country....


For renovating an old stone house in Apokoronas, I'd suggest hiring a local architect experienced in traditional building methods and materials. Additionally, consulting with a structural engineer before purchasing is crucial to ensure the property's safety and feasibility for renovation. Good luck with your project!


"Great harm" is unfair: they usually just want to get their hands on your money - and not share any with the taxman...1f60e.svg


Thanks for that advice.We're just back from crete and a very good engineer looked at it with us so we got good advice.

Thank you all for your replies!

@Bronaann Hi,

I wish you an enjoyable experience with your dream to renovate a Greek property.

In reply to your message:As Eugene wrote to you, You have to get an updated TOPO / static study which is not later than two months as it is in Greece and the rules are may changed very often.

You have to hire an engineer's service and his Knowledge [!] in all aspects before you act.... Engineer in Greece [ a reliable one obviously ] knows a lot regarding the law, local rules, and he is updated. This is the first step I would do. Any other move will cause a damage for your time & money.


stop and think!  the web is over run with bots and trolls and sketchy individuals hoping to find a windfall with no work.

I've read Concertina's posts for so many years that I can relate to what she is telling you. 

do not assume that because your are a man and you speak with authority that the whole world will just take it for granted that you actually have that authority.

concertina and I, being both women who are not natively grecian born, know that the world and particularly the world of working on houses treats us, and men who are foreigners,  a lot differently than than they might the mayor councilor of any small town in greece.

it's a situation of trust and verify.  and verify, and verify,

also, I have decades of experience renovating houses and what Concertina says to you is clear and accurate.  best of wishes!  if there is anything I can add that might help, please ask.