Job opportunity

Salaam, I have been offered a very good job opportunity in Jeddah and have the opportunity to move my family across with me. Can anybody give me an idea what the cost of living will be especially things like renting an apartment and leasing a car. I have visited a number of times and would like to move near the water fountain area close to the corniche if possible. Very grateful for any information at all, thank you

It depends on how your current lifestyle is.

Apartments will range from 20-40k a year (2-4bhk) and leasing a car depends on your salary.

Usually 40% of your monthly salary can be your installment with an intial and balloon payment at the end.

Hope this helps!

I have have an opportunity to work in Jeddah and I'm looking for a 2 bed apartment near the Al Khamra area. Roughly what would be the rentals for a fully furnished apartment? Also is there any good lease car companies that do a 1 or 2 year lease?

@Ali_N Thankyou

What would be the best way to look for an apartment? Is there a website or app to see what's available?


Hello and welcome !

Feel free to create an advert in the Housing in Jeddah section of the website.You might receive some offers.

All the best


@amjid75 and should help in addition to visiting local Aqari (real estate) offices