Social security

iam married living in the Philippines. I'm American and social security says my 4 year old son has to spend 30 days on USA soil to get his monetary benefit (HIS CHECK). Anyone know a way around this?

If I have understood correct, then kids not born in USA but with American parent AREN'T counted as American citizens until such been in USA demand is fullfilled.

Some remarkable though if they aren't flexible during coviid with the travel resttrictions...

(I haven't done it, but II believ in Sweden all can be done at distance before covid too.)

Correct social security won't cooperate

USA isn't known ffor cooperating, bur for forciing    :)

(I have had a huge problem in SWEDEN sending money to PHILIPPINES as if it wouldd be USAs right to decide!!!  But after months it got solved finaly yesterday because I'm to stubbornto give up   :)  so I got approval finaly afte many No.)

richard frazier wrote:

iam married living in the Philippines. I'm American and social security says my 4 year old son has to spend 30 days on USA soil to get his monetary benefit (HIS CHECK). Anyone know a way around this?

That information is not correct, Richard, unless the rules have changed in the past 3 years, which I doubt.  I know of American expats who have obtained Social Security benefits for their child with a Filipina, by filing a form FS-240, Consular Report of Child Born Abroad, and then following up with the embassy in Manila.  The child definitely never made a trip to the US. This should always be done anyway, to get on record that your child is a US citizen, being born of an American parent.  This form is a US Dept of State Form, but I believe if you contact the Embassy in Manila, they can tell you what exact process to follow. They can also process the SSA request for support.

Denis <>
4:11 PM (4 minutes ago)

Guidance for obtaining your Social Security Number from Overseas
Make an appointment to visit the Federal Benefits Unit (FBU) office. Contact the office of the FBU at the closest US Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence. ...
Make an appointment to visit to the Embassy/Consulate without an FBU office.

Guidance for obtaining your Social Security Number from Overseas ... › guidance-for-obtainin... … broad.html     ( This is current link to US State Dept on this subject)
Hope this helps

NOTE: If you are receiving SSA benefits and are expecting covid assistance, the banks use a different routing number for the IRS if you are filing tax returns.

I explained what the OP needed to do in Post #5. The post that followed from Lasvegan that contained further clarification and the link to State Dept in blue worked fine for me  (Post #6).  Enzyte Bob, I think your browser was not correctly seeing the link in blue for some reason. In any case, I  am going to request that the off topic posts discussing the link be removed, as this is an important thread that others may benefit from.

pnwcyclist wrote:

I explained what the OP needed to do in Post #5. The post that followed from Lasvegan that contained further clarification and the link to State Dept in blue worked fine for me  (Post #6).  Enzyte Bob, I think your browser was not correctly seeing the link in blue for some reason. In any case, I  am going to request that the off topic posts discussing the link be removed, as this is an important thread that others may benefit from.

I'm not referring to the link to the State Dept, I'm talking about the incorrect link above it to

It hat a fatal error that did not show it as an recognizable link by the scripted software.

Correct link: … -overseas/

Broken link:
... > guidance-for obtaining-your-social security-number-from-overseas/                                             

Two fatal errors   three periods  ...  before https:   
and after  .org    >     should have been this /

Removing my clutter is a good idea

@richard frazier Social security laws for foreign born children have changed. They now qualify when born in the Philippines to a non-USA citizen mother. Check with

@richard frazier Social security laws for foreign born children have changed. They now qualify when born in the Philippines to a non-USA citizen mother. Check with

- @Lat61
Have USA skiped the demand children born in other countries with American parent have to go to USA to get US citizenship?   Perhaps changed by covid stoped traveling?

(Sweden could approve without traveling before covid too.)
The requirement for the child to go to the USA has not been in effect for several years.
do you happen to have a link showing this information?  thank you tony
No, but I have known couples. The children never went to the US. As long as paternity is established and the form I mentioned is filed with the State Dept, the child gets a SS number. And if the US parent is on Social Security, they will get support for the child. 

@pnwcyclist  Old law, new law the kids qualify. The old qualifications are not in the new Social Security handbook. Hence Philippine children born overseas to A non-US citizen mother, now get their fathers SS benefits if qualified. Just as any other American child would.


@pnwcyclist ok.. thank you.. nice to know info.

If a child is born in USA and father moves to philippines and has another child in ohilippines and applies for FBU is the child born in USA also eligible for FBU ?