
I am in Bahrain with a valid work visa, and my wife is on a dependent visa. I wanted to make her CPR, but I am unaware of the process.

It would be great if someone helps me in getting the answers to the following questions:

1.) We have done the biometric thing in ISA town.

2.) I have a municipality contract (address) under my name, but my wife's name is not there in the contract. Do I need to make a "municipality certificate"? If yes, should it be under my name or my wife's name?

3.) I have my properly attested marriage certificate, EWA bill, Landlord's CPR, and Municipality contract, what other documents are required?


4.) What is the procedure? Can I do it by myself or do I have to approach some agent and what should be the approximate expense of this thing? As agents are asking a very large amount (90bd).

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

You can do it yourself.  You need a municipality letter under your name - which is given on the basis of the lease agreement.  Take appointment at the CPR office or go straight to the VIP.

@XTang Ok, thankyou so much.


Hi @xtang

Please help me with my wife and kids new cpr

I took a flat with ewa and owner he dont want to provide his cpr for 10%tax so now my wife and kids are new in bahrain so what should i do to apply new cpr.please anyone help me out with this issue i will be thankful for that.

Do you have EWA under your name?  if so, you can apply for CPR.

If not and you have a lease agreement, you need to apply for a municipality letter which will allow you to do the same.

Use search.  The process has been discussed many times here.