Register a business in Georgia

I am in Georgia on visit visa so now I want to start my business so some one can help me how can I rigister my business here and how can I get residency on feature

Hello gsmknowledge99a,

Welcome on board !

Please note that I have created a new thread from your post on the Georgia forum so that members can guide you.

Till then, you can browse the following websites to gather information

All the best


Hi Bhavna 👋

If is it possible I can get your Instagram or whatsapp any if you have plz. I need some information

Dear gsmknowledge99a,

I work for, so find me on this website itself. If you need to contact me, feel free to click on my username to send me a message. However, please bear in mind that I am not in Georgia and will not be able to provide personalised infos as members on the forum would do.

Have a nice day
