PAVEMENT at harpa next week! Extra ticket! Anyone wanna go?

Hello Hiya hola ,

i am flying from California next week all the way to Iceland for the PAVEMENT shows

happening at harpa concert hall. I have an extra ticket for all 3 nights, july 27,28, 29th…

Wondering if there is any girl who is a PAVEMENT fan and would like to go with me?

these are AMAZING 4th row seats ! Would be fun to go with an Iceland girl or expat !

if interested, you can email me at ***



Moderated by Bhavna 10 months ago
Reason : Email
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Moderated by Bhavna 10 months ago
Reason : Email + not in Iceland
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct


i received a response from you, but can not read your reply?.?

i don't quite know why?  Could you write again?  Thanks, mark

Hello Azimuth Counterpoint,

Welcome on board !

Please note emails should be shared in private by clicking on the member's photo > send a message.

The previous post was actually an email.

