Language course visa

Hello, how can I change my Sprachkurs Visa to a Family Reunion Visa when I'm already here in Germany? Or are there any other choices to be able to stay here using my marriage? My Language Course Visa is about to expire very soon.

    Hello, how can I change my Sprachkurs Visa to a Family Reunion Visa when I'm already here in Germany? Or are there any other choices to be able to stay here using my marriage? My Language Course Visa is about to expire very soon.         -@novania

What is your citizenship and that of your spouse? If you are married to a German or other EU citizen or even a non-EU one - with a long term residency then you might have a chance. Contact the local immigration office. But one on a language school visa cannot bring a spouse or minor children on a family reunion visa. Such a person is not the base for further immigration as they only have a temporary, conditional residency themself. There is an exception for university students on a study visa if they have the financial means. But not for one in a language school or vocational training.

@TominStuttgart thank you. So I'm a Filipino who lives in Germany under a language course visa and I recently got married to a German citizen.

You married your German spouse abroad, according to your other post. (Why don'tyou put all the relevant information together in ONE post???) Then, as far as I know, you must apply for a family reunion visa at the German embassy in that country.

If you are already in Germany with another visa, you could ask at your local Ausländerbehörde if they can change your visa. This is not certain, so you must ask!