Temporary Resident Visa

Hi everyone,

I applied for my Residency Visa for family reunification as my Wife is Chilean married since 2018 in Egypt. Had to travel back to get documents done and I was locked in Covid-19 rhem the new immigration law made me wait my turn for more than a year 1f624.svgAfter extremely boring process I got the visa after I had a lawyer to make it through the judicial system because they rejected the visa and approved it by September 23. But due to some difficult family events my lawyer had to make a prorroga for the visa until 28/3/24. My question is after I got the visa copy downloaded I did not find anything referring to the date of extension and lawyer said it won't be written and the visa is active on the system despite the date written 28/9/23 with a notice of 90 days period to travel. Second question is if I did not travel and applied a new visa the migration will grant it or I will be blocked as I could not travel on time?!

Thank you all 1f917.svg

  1. Take with you all documentation linking you to Chile (marriage certificate, residencia otorgada letter, or whatever official documentation that you received to confirm you have the visa).
  2. Travel with your Chilean wife.

If you do these two things, the chances of trouble are very low. I wouldn't bother with an extra visa. I traveled to Chile this January, while my visa was granted way more than 90 days earlier (I couldn't travel due to family reasons too). There were no issues during immigration.

Best of luck!

My wife already in Chile and I am in Egypt. Did you have any troubles at transit airport? Also what about the new visa if I had to go through it?! The first one is Two years that end in 2025 . Is it ok if I apply a newo ne. Because I am still stuck for family reasons too.

I am not sure about that, sorry. Transit was through Sau Paolo Brazil, but no issues. That said my ampliacion de tramite was still valid.

I think your lawyer might advise better in this situation, I can only tell you about my experience. You can apply for a visit visa and explain this whole situation.

@Nabeel I Thank you so much 🙏🏻

    Take with you all documentation linking you to Chile (marriage certificate, residencia otorgada letter, or whatever official documentation that you received to confirm you have the visa).Travel with your Chilean wife.If you do these two things, the chances of trouble are very low. I wouldn't bother with an extra visa. I traveled to Chile this January, while my visa was granted way more than 90 days earlier (I couldn't travel due to family reasons too). There were no issues during immigration.Best of luck!        -@Nabeel I

Do you mean you passed the 90 days limit?! How long please?! My lawyer insist that I must travel before 28/3/24 or it will be cancelled according to the extension she made on the migracion page. I will also check again with her for more info.