About public schools in japan

Hello, I'm looking at a job offer of 10m yen a year ( prior tax) but I will be moving with my family including two young children - 2&5. My concerns are school fees and other costs. I have a rough idea as to how rent would be and I believe I can ask for a small subsidy on that. But I have no idea about cost of schools or children activies. I have been living in HK prior marriage and since a year before COVID I have been living In Germany where health insurance and daycare fees are all taken care of by government ( we only pay very little).

I wonder whether with 10m salary I will be able to have a relatively comfortable life since my husband will likely not work and take care of the kids. That'd 10m will likely be our only source of income.

Any answers/ feedback will be appreciated 🙏🏻

It depends upon your lifestyle, the city where you gonna plan to move as Tokyo is very expensive in terms of making apartment contracts. You need to have a Japanese guarantor (either an individual or a Japanese company) who takes responsibility for your financial problems. International schools are expensive as well. You could expect at least 100000 JPY for one kid at the elementary level.

For a moderate life, it's enough but if you prefer brands, it would not be enough.

For health insurance and other stuff, I think you have to pay by yourself for every individual monthly unless your company doesn't provide family support.

You need to also have the Japanese language to have a better life here. Without Japanese it's quite challenging to survive here as you can't easily find a replacement job as most of the companies will require you to speak Japanese.



I too, have lived in Germany and a very long time in Japan (settled down here).

A couple of points:

Which city in Japan?

How old are the kids?

If you plan to send your kids to a Japanese school, then it's a piece of cake.

International schools are expensive, but I would say manageable if you target the quality of education and not just fancy names.

I am not sure if it is allowed to share personal details, but I would be happy to help you out as a fellow expat with a long experience in Japan, and as my daughter started her school (1st grade) just two days back. So, if you wish, you can google EJable and send a contact message; I will ensure that my team forwards it to me.

Best wishes and best regards
