Applying for Monbukagakusho scholarship at a third country


I'm Fereidoon, studying year 11 and I'm living in Ahvaz / Iran. I consider to study undergraduate in Japan by applying for Monbukagakusho scholarship. :)

I'm going to leave Iran after getting my year 11 degree and study year 12 in Malaysia. (I have MM2H(Malaysia My 2nd Home) visa , and also my brother lives in there.)

But, Can I apply for Monbukagakusho scholarship at the Japanese Embassy in Malaysia? Or I have to come to Iran and apply at the Japanese Embassy in Iran?

I'd be really happy if anyone helps me :)

I apologize for my poor English! :D

// Edition 2013-4-18 # Answer : It's impossible! Japanese embassy in Malaysia only accepts applications from Malaysian nationals.

Hello Fereidoon.

Welcome to! :)

Hope you'll be helped by other members soon.

Thank you,

Hi Aurélie,

Thank you very much for your warm welcome :)

Best wishesh,

I don't think that is possible. I think the Japanese embassy in Malaysia only handles things to do with Malaysian citizens but I'm not too sure. The best thing you can do is forward your question to this email: (for the embassy in Malaysia) and they'll definitely help you.

Hi Juanito,

Thank you for your suggestion, I did what you said And now I,m waiting for their reply.

Best regards,

You are welcome :). So how are you preparing for the written tests?

Well, I don't really worry about written tests so much right now. Cause I have year 11 final exams in a month which are very important for applying for the universities. In Iran's graduation system year 11's final exams are the most important final exams of all and you might find that interesting that those exams are being held simultaneously in all schools of Iran.
So after I finished my year 11 final exams I'll have much more time to improve my English grammar and vocabulary. My biggest concern for the written tests of Monbukagakusho is my level of English and I don't think that I'll have much trouble with scientific view of written tests. :)

Wow. Thats great. It's like things are easier for you. I'm really having problems with maths and science. The funny thing is that English is the easiest to me. I hope you've seen the past exams though.

Yeah, I've had a glance at them..

Today I got answer, JIS replied my email and unfortunately said it's impossible for me to apply for the scholarship in Malaysia. :(

I give you their answer to my question:

Dear Sir,

I'm afraid that you will have to apply for the Monbukagakusho Scholarship at the Embassy of Japan in Iran. Our embassy here only accepts applications from Malaysian nationals.

Japan Information Service

So frustrated !! :(

Oh no. That's sad. :(
Does that mean you will not apply for the scholarship?

Well, I don't know....

Maybe I'll apply for the scholarship for master's..
Really not sure what to do! :D