Swimming in the sea all year?


I've heard that in Da Nang (and elsewhere) you can't swim in the sea unless you travel there around june - august, otherwise the waves are too strong and therefore swimming is not allowed.

Is this the case everywhere in Vietnam? Is there a region where it's safe to swim in the sea all year? This is important for me, since being able to swim in the sea / snorkeling is one the primary reasons for visiting the country.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Tomgmu,

For what is worth, I was just went swimming in Đà Nẵng December and January.    Weather permitting, they allow you to swim, but only in small cordon off areas in the center (or main entrance) of the beach so to speak   However, I only tried Phạm Văn Đồng, Phước Mỹ and Mỹ Khê so i'm sure other members can provide you more detail about the other beaches. 

I've heard that in Da Nang (and elsewhere) you can't swim in the sea unless you travel there around june - august, otherwise the waves are too strong and therefore swimming is not allowed.

Is this the case everywhere in Vietnam? Is there a region where it's safe to swim in the sea all year? This is important for me, since being able to swim in the sea / snorkeling is one the primary reasons for visiting the country.

Thanks in advance!


Stay as far south as possible, based on my personal experiences during winter months.

Phú Quốc island would probably be my #1 choice if year-round swimming were my prime need, but even there, if the weather is foul, there will be red flags on the beach.

I was there January thru March in 2021, and there were only a few days where it was so stormy that I wouldn't go into the water.

However, there's another concern at virtually every beach where I've gone swimming, from Huế to Phú Quốc: raw sewage in the water increasing during/after rainfall.

There are always unregulated "poo creeks" in or nearby your favorite beach.

Wisdom dictates that you avoid swimming in the surf for at least a couple of days during and after significant rain.


Monsoon seasons are totally different in northern/central Vietnam vs southern Vietnam.

Here in Đà Nẵng, "ideal" swimming is generally from March through August.

Yes, you can swim during other times, but the water clarity will decrease as the ocean turbidity increases on the shoulders of our monsoon season here, and our monsoon season is much colder than it is further south.

For instance, in Vũng Tàu, monsoon season is from May to October, but it's significantly warmer than the northern monsoon that prevails here during fall & winter.

Careful about planning a swim-vacation in Phu Quoc for the summer months. High winds, choppy water, and strong currents make for risky dips.

Here's an article from VN Express, Aug 2022(additional articles below that)

    Careful about planning a swim-vacation in Phu Quoc for the summer months. High winds, choppy water, and strong currents make for risky dips.
Here's an article from VN Express, Aug 2022(additional articles below that)

    -@Aidan in HCMC

I guess y'all catch the southern monsoon then?

If I weren't married, I'd likely go back to spending 6 months in the Đà Nẵng region and 6 months in Vũng Tàu or Phú Quốc.