Citizenship in Italy through Smart Move Italy

I am a US citizen with Italian heritage who will be applying for Italian citizenship in Italy.  I am strongly considering Smart Move Italy as a service to assist me with all phases of this process.  Would those on this forum who have used them kindly let me know what your experience was with them.  Were your goals met?

Many thanks!

@524dmm Another advert for SmartMove.  Do you work for them or do they just pay you to go on all the forums and write this? 

Not affiliated with Smart Move Italy at all.  We are seeking information about the effectiveness of the company.  We are having difficulty finding reviews, so we seek information from someone who has used their services.  That is the sole purpose of our post.  If someone on this forum has productive information to share, we would be grateful.

This is my second time responding to an inquiry about SMI and the first time I received the same type of unhelpful comment. I appreciate your honest effort to get some advice, as the process is not easy.  We had a very positive experience using SMI to secure an apartment rental in Puglia.  For our immigration needs (ERV) we used Lexidy and, while pricey, they have been extremely helpful and user friendly. Best of luck with your immigration journey. We just arrived back in Italy with our visas, and get the keys to our apartment today.  Very exciting and well worth the effort and cost for us.

If I may refer to the law firm damianianddamiani they are very good at ius sanguinis citizenship practices

@robertoconigliaro Thank you for the recommendation, please write it wih spaces so that the site does not delete the contact information. We appreciate the advice.

@robertoconigliaro Thank you!

@524dmm I have started my process with SMI too. So far they've been very helpful. They were the first company I inquired with so I have nothing to compare it to. I don't know how their prices compare, etc. I'd be interested to hear from others who have used them.

We had a consultation with a different firm and they quoted us close to $12,000 US dollars to complete the process in Italy!!  It was $8000 if we went through the consulate. Is this typical and would SMI or other firms be more reasonable?

I got a quote from SMI for their full package - collecting documents through Fast Track applying in Italy and it was $7500  Every situation is slightly different but so far they seem  very knowledgable and responsive 


Thanks, that's a substantial difference.

A friend used SMI and had a good, professional experience. Transparent and clear fee structure.