Hi All,

I wanted to understand what is the average COST OF LIVING FOR VEGETERIAN COUPLE in Congo. My company is providing me with Accomodation and CAr with Driver.

Also want to understand How is Somika Group to work for

Will appreciate kind guidance.

Welcome to bothrasunil!

Hope that someone will soon enlighten you.;)


Hi Everyone,

can any one pls guide, i need to intimate on my decision.


Hello Bothrasunil,

I can now tell you that you will have as much vegetables as you want here in congo. it's just that i can be expensive sometimes.

for example, during dry season, vegetables are big, healthy and cheap. in raining season, the prices are different.

plus here, apart from local vegetables (which you can have in the market at good prices), there are many supermarkets with a large collection of vegetables at all season.

I hope this will help you.


Thanx lionnes for your response.
Bothrasunil, we can't say how much a vegetarian couple can spend for food everyday but it's less that if you uselly buy beef, fish or ticken.
Ads lionnes say; you can find vegetables in locals markets or supermarket. Price are different, but it will dépend of what you need.
In local market you will not find vegetable coming from outside in example, but our vegetable is healthy too and cheap.
Maybe you will have to spend 5000 fcfa each day just for your lunch, it's depend of what you like to eat.

Good luck!

dear sunil bothra,
i m meghraj pugalia.
v both oswal jain?
i m here in congo.
u can contct on my email id

Dear All,

Recently I got a offer to work in Republic of Congo. I am a purely vegitarian guy (even no egg). I will be moving along with my wife and 1 year old baby girl. I would like to know the the following-

1. Options available for vegitarian guys
2. Cost of living
3. What all we need to carry from India while travelling
4. Number of Vegitarian hotels
5. Safety norms
Thanks a lot in advance for your reply/answer.

There are some Indian restaurent you can visit