Interpreter needed!

Hello everyone,
Two of us are going to Cameroon, thus, hope to find a lady interpreter who speak both French and English well in helping us to communite and find local suppliers, good payment will be rewarded, if you are interested please do not hesitate to contact me
kindest regards

Hello henessyrichard.

Welcome to!

You should post an advert in the jobs in Cameroon section. It could help.

PS: Please avoid putting personal details on a public forum for safety reasons.

Thank you,

Thank you for reminding me.
many thanks

Nice to hear you coming to Cameroon. I am interested in your offer. When are coming and which town will you stay in Cameroon. This is my email adress

hi henessyrichard.
i am really interested in your offer but can you tell me more?you'll stay in which town?

replied you by email.
many thanks

Just wondering if this offer is still available.