New in Warsaw. Looking for friends


My name is Liubov. I am 25 years old. I moved here one month ago. I lived 3 years in the UK, where I did my Master's degree.I don't speak Polish, but I know Russian and English.

I'm a person who enjoys meeting new people all the time. I love to socialize, embrace life and am a lot of fun if I say so myself! Basically I love life and I love living life. I enjoy the outdoors, traveling, restaurants, laughing, going to cultural events, and socializing with quality people. I'm interesting in cars. I like watching football in a good company

If you are looking for friends too
my email

Hello Liubov.

Welcome to! :)

Thank you for introducing yourself.


[Moderated: Please communicate by PM]

Gee I wonder why there is not more activity here than ... Inter nations (which is a word blocked by this site), MeetUp or Facebook. 

O my god that is childish.

This is Dilip from Warsaw, basically Indian. Working in Citibank as Project Manager.

Please contact if you feel to meet sometime, enjoy your stay in Poland.

Also, start learning basic Polish keywords to survive here :)

Hello Everyone!!

Hi Liubov,

I recently moved to Warsaw from Canada and would like to extend a hello to you all.



Blueskies_11 wrote:

Hi Liubov,

I recently moved to Warsaw from Canada and would like to extend a hello to you all.



If you are an expat, you would be welcome to our group. Summer is a dead time but we have a meeting tomorrow and another August 4 (Sunday).

Blueskies_11 wrote:

Thank you for the invite but I'm working tommorow nite

I think you misunderstood.

You need to be ready before joining the group. (Today's meeting is not a cocktail mixer but a social inquiry.) The next group bi-weekly meetings wlll re-start 4 August, after the bulk of summer holidays.

So between now and then we can meet. I expect the group will be upto full strength in September, when everyone returns to work in Poland. It will be nice to have you swimming with us by then.

Hello Liubov,

Welcome to Warsaw! My friends and I are all English teachers here in Warsaw, around your age, and always interested in meeting new people. We will be out of the country for about the next month and half but if you are still around PM me.



My name is Robert and I moved to Warsaw 5 days ago. I don't know anyone here yet so I'm looking around to meet some new people. I'm an American English teacher and it's my first time here. And Hello, Liubov. I haven't written to you since I left America but now I'm in Warsaw and it would be nice to chat with you.

We have a Dungeons & Dragons game. Good ice breaker and we tend to hang out together. We're people who are settled in Warsaw: married, children, and I am retired.

Hello Shadow,

I'm an American expat who has just moved to Warsaw and I'd like to know more about these expat gatherings you mentioned on the forum. It sounds like something is happening on August 4? Can any expat attend these events? It'd be nice to meet some people who have dealt with the trials of moving to Warsaw.


rjfoster77 wrote:

Hello Shadow,

I'm an American expat who has just moved to Warsaw and I'd like to know more about these expat gatherings you mentioned on the forum. It sounds like something is happening on August 4? Can any expat attend these events? It'd be nice to meet some people who have dealt with the trials of moving to Warsaw.


Hi Robert,

Give me a call. Dealing with Warsaw is a test and a trial but going through it alone is a recipe for disaster.

Hello people,

Wanna hang out in Warsaw this afternoon? Then you might contact me via PM, give me your phone number and I'll tell you where I'll be having a drink with some friends, from 4.30. (In a bar rather downtown)

Take care,
