British Expat - Television Series

Are you a British Expat living abroad?

Are you thinking of returning to the UK?

Whether it's because you're missing family & friends, have struggled with the local culture or had trouble with your finances – we'd like to know why you want to come home!

Award-winning Outline Productions are developing an exciting new documentary series about expat life - and are looking for Brits living abroad, who are considering coming home and open to sharing their views with us. Perhaps you've not even shared the news with your family back in Blighty yet!

If this sounds like you, or you'd just like to find out more, please contact Sam Wilson.

I've passed the contact details to a friend.
His first, very reasonable question was, Do you pay?


I have oodles of British friends who are expats, returning to the Uk over the past 12 -24 months for various reaons
we were all in Yokohama together

They don't blog so won't see your request but if you are happy to share your work email with me i can pass it on  - I'm sure a few of them would LOVE to be on TV

Thanks for responding. It's

thanks, have passed it on :)