Guide me please

Is there any kind of activities around Klang area where expats can participate?My husband is Malaysian,still it is so hard to find a job here inspite of working for 8 years in reputed companies in India.Even  searched for NGO to work as volunteer but no luck.Tired being idle.I want to get involve in something positive.

Hi Rumi,

It is good to know that you may want to volunteer. But do you only want them to be in Klang? Will you not be interested if it is in KL?

thanks for ur reply......Actually KL is quite far away.It would be difficult for me as modes of transportion very limited here.I am interested in doing something in Klang or nearer places.

Ok. I notice PAWS is in Subang, nearest I could find to Klang. Or  you need not involve physically then. I mean I do not know but you see how you can help and perhaps contact the centers:

All the above is concerned with animals and mostly are dogs.

But if you are not into animal welfare, I am fine with it and you can ignore the whole thing above.



Would you be interested in Tele-marketing jobs?

Hi nazgol,

try to post an advert on the Jobs in Klang in Marketing, PR, Advertising section. This can greatly help.

Best of luck :)
