How is the life in Senegal

I want to shift to Senegal. Pls do let me know how is the life there. Are there any problems?



Hello Deepak.

Welcome to! :)

A small introduction would be great!

Do you have specific questions?

Thank you,

Hi Deepak,

I hope you are well. Did you ever come to Senegal? I can tell you that most people coming here fall in Love with country as a tourist. To leave here is not so easy. Corruption, thieves, dishonestly is quite common. We need visa now to get into the country also.

If you have precise question please let me know.

This is my website:

With best wishes from Senegal,


Is senegal a safe place for americans or will i have to be afraid go out and site see. And qhat are some things i should worry about when i visit there. thank u for any help.

Hello and GREETINGS from SenegalStyle!

I am an American, Anglophone like you and I have found Senegal to be a great place to raise children.  The schools are EXCELLENT compared to where I come from (Pensacola, Florida) and the health care system is too.  It's affordable and the doctors are very good diagnosticians.  I brought my 3 children here in 1999, I'm divorced from an American husband, never lived in Africa before and had no family or friends here.

I haven't regretted my move one time in 14 years.

By the way, there is a HUGE Indian and Pakistani community here with lots of markets selling your foods.  You won't be alone.  I would suggest you contact Satguru Travel here in Dakar.  It's an Indian owned company and there are lots of people here associated with them in one way or another.

Good luck!


Sineta George
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I just want to add that what they are saying above is true, but Senegal is a country of all types of people, just like theirs and just like yours.  To expect to move somewhere there are NO thieves, corruption, etc from a place that HAS thieves, corruption, etc. is just unrealistic. I don't think there is anywhere on earth where the local population will just stop living their lives (good or bad) because expats from other countries have decided to move there.  It doesn't happen.

Hello and GREETINGS from Senegal!

I am American and have lived here since 1999.  I reared 3 American children here with no problem.  I am from Florida, one of the most dangerous states in a very dangerous country so it is kind of funny to see this question. 

Senegal is 2nd from the bottom (worldwide)in murder rates.  America has more people in jail per capita than any other nation, including China and South Africa and more murders on a weekend than we have in a year.

No, Senegal is not as dangerous as Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Atlanta, Memphis, LA or any other major city that is the size of Senegal. 

We have baby crime here compared to America.  Someone might lie to you about how much something costs, steal a telephone or take advantage of you in a business deal, but dangerous?  Hardly.  I don't think I've even heard of a bank robbery here... serial killers, etc?  No way.  It's a Muslim country so take that as a plus when it comes to crime rather than a minus.  Muslim countries have very low violent crime rates.

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Dakar is a great place to live! 


Sineta George
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