Looking to meet english speakers

Hello, I'm an English guy and I've been here in Budapest for about a month. Would like to meet English-speaking people to socilaise with. Please get in touch: cedlong@hotmail.com


Hello Chris.

A new thread has been created from your message on the Budapest Forum for more visibility.

Hope you'll make some interesting contacts here on the forum.


Karen :)

Hello Karen,
Thank you! I can't find it though. I tried the link to Budapest Forum and it simply takes me back to the main forum page.


I've just arrived in Budapest (I am Canadian but was living and working in Cambridge, UK) and would be keen to meet up for a drink and meet some new people. 



Hi guys,

Keep me updated if u grab a drink or something like that,

Take care

sounds like fun...

hi Jess,

I am Hungarian and looking for native English speakers to hang out with. Let me know if you fancy a tea or coffee some time.


[moderated: off topic + no free ads please]

Hi Chris,

You are on the Budapest forum. :) So please do not hesitate to participate here, i am sure you will find lots of new contacts. ;)

Thank you,
Expat.com team

Dear expats,

I also recently moved to Budapest to live together with my partner, she's a native Hungarian.
I come from Belgium and I am also interested in meeting other people. Some if my interests are photography, drawing, hiking,.. my next step to integrating here is taking a language course which I hopefully would start next week. Current languages are native Dutch, basic French and Swedish, fluent English.

Feel free to message me on my profile!

Hello. I am an expat from the states. I live with my boyfriend here and he has his school and work so I stay at home, I am growing bored in the apartment fast and it is lonely to do everything by myself so I am looking to meet some friends to do things with. Shop, sight-see, go out for drinks, someone that speaks English and all the above. If you are interested don't hesitate to contact me. My e-mail is alora_funk_114@yahoo.com

I want to see the ARC exhibition the next few days. Anybody interested? (my local friends seem to be busy or have seen it already). Its at Heroes' Sq and is free, too (which makes it even more interesting for me...)
ARC is the annual giant-poster(whatever the correct english) art exhibition, the posters will often reflect on present social and political issues. (the abbreviation was tailored to be 'arc', i.e. 'face')
(why there is no english page??)
It probably takes less than an hour to see it, depending on how much one spends chatting, and the weather.... (they say, it is even smaller than last year)

[Moderated: please post your ad in the jobs section]

Hi Alora,

I just recently returned to Hungary, used to live in Canada and some other countries as well and would be interested to meet English speakers.

I would love to have a coffee and chat so if you feel up to it, just let me know and we could get together sometime.

any idea for common beer? I am open to meet new people in BP :)



Are you planning any meeting?


If anybody is up for a beer or other drink, let's try to arrange something this Saturday?

I suggest to meet up at 8PM in the first part of Szimpla (easy to find location + it's covered in case the weather is not good)
After that we can still see if and where people want to move.

Please post if you're interested.


Would be good to get a crowd.

If this post ends up too short notice, could arrange something for the following week.

Thanks Matthias, I"be there. Hope Szimpla won't be crowded so I can find the group..

See you,


I'll wait in between the first bar (on right hand side) and the "waterpipe room"/souvenir shop (left side).
It's not a huge area

Hi Matthias,
I'll try to be there too! :)

Hi Jess,

I'm Krisztina and I'm looking for Canadian or American friends to go out with, have a drink, hang around and chat. Last year I spent 10 months in Toronto and it was the most wonderful experience in my life, I loooove Canada and miss it sooo much. Would be nice to chat with someone who's from there. How much time are you going to spend in Hungary? If you're still looking for new friends here, don't hesitate to contact me :).


Je551ca wrote:


I've just arrived in Budapest (I am Canadian but was living and working in Cambridge, UK) and would be keen to meet up for a drink and meet some new people. 



Hi Jess,

I am Krisztina, and would like to meet up, previously lived in the UK as well, in London. Additionally I am planning to to move to Canada later on.

Can I ask you that are you an expatriate or are you travelling? If you like, when would you be free to meet up?
Enjoy Budapest,


anyone fancy meeting up later this week for some drinks? I went to Szimpla for last meeting but was hard to find the group

hi everyone :)
I am indian and i am looking for friends in budapest ..who can speak english :)

is there going to be another meeting ? count me in already!  :cheers:

I am currently visiting Budapest for the week and would love to meet some other English speakers (locals or foreigners). I myself am a canadain. I am looking for people in my age range, in their twenties.
I am a guy by the way.

not sure if I posted this in the right place.

Oh it worked

Hi aheyter

I'd be glad to meet you. How about this Friday for a drink?

I would like that. I am currently staying in pest. Where do you think would be a good meeting place.

I do. Not have much time left in Budapest and am looking to make the most of it. Anyone want to meet for Thursday.