To meet people

hi everybody,
I've just arrived to Budapest for 1 year but I know nobody.

If there are persons who want to have a drink, that will be with big pleasure.

Yes, it's a little difficult to meet a personn in the street :)


Hello Frederiqua, welcome to! :)

I'm sure that you will not remain isolated anymore, now that you have made the move to register in our website!

Check out previous discussions as I'm sure other members in the forum are also looking for new friends.

Good luck

Thanks Arlette,

I hope, because to stay alone in this beautiful city, is a little bit sad...

I consult regularly your site

Have a nice day


I just sent you a private message - would be great to meet up!



i'm Omani from Muscat we can go together .
i like making relationship with others

my e-mail is

you must welcome to Oman


Hi Frederiqua !
it won't take too long to meet new people here !
I'm from Belgium and I live here since 13 years. I can't walk 2 steps in the street without meeting someone I know !
Budapest is a little village !

Luis Alberto

Hi Frederiqua

I think im looking like you =)i feel alone too in this beauty city , and this is really annoying. i spend my time so nonsense

if you would like to meet, pls let me know
my adress:



Hi Frederiqua,

My name is Kitti. I've just moved back to Budapest from England.I do miss English speaking foreigners around me. I would happy to show you around in Budapest if you are not that familiar yet.

Let me know if you are still interested in meeting new people.
My mail address is

I hope to hear from you soon.

Hi frederiqua,

I am from Spain and 27 years old, but the most important issue is that I arrived to Budapest last monday and and I am so alone!! help please!! don't worry I'm not one of those spiteful boys, just looking for making friends!

Could be that my message arrives too late for you, currently you would have lots of new friend...

have a nice weekend and let me know something!

Au revoir!!

Dear everyone, I live in Budapest, but I do not know a place or community where i can improve my English knowledge. I tried as a volunteer in Fine Arts Muzeum, but it did not worked well. I am journalist and i like to get a copywriter job form abroad, therefore i like it to practise. In my spare time i am able to show the city, and the countryside.

Hello! I just moved to Budapest with my mother from the U.S.A. - I speak fluent Polish and English but unfortunately no Hungarian yet. Find me on facebook if you can! I moved here just on Wednesday!

-Sonya Rzeszotko

Hi Frederiqua,

My name is Alex. I've just moved back to Budapest from South Africa. I would happy to show you around in Budapest or go for some drinks.

Let me know if you are still interested in meeting new people.


I'm an American living here in Budapest.  I've been here since August and have met quite a few people, but am always willing to meet others, and don't mind meeting occasionally in case someone wants to practice their English and/or teach me some Hungarian or Spanish. 

Feel free to contact me if interested.


I am not trying to take over this thread but there are quite a few people on this thread who want to meet up.  I don't check the website every day unless I get an e-mail notification - so - I just thought I'd let everyone know via this thread that we are having a movie night next week.  Please see my thread.  All invited and we can maybe vote on which movie we would prefer.

Sorry if anyone thinks I am rude posting on someone elses thread.  I don't mean to be.  Its just so easy to miss organised meet ups and I thought it would be nice to let new people know there is a  meet up.  The more the merrier :)


Not sure how many people you have met thus far but I know the feeling!-I travel between Austria and Budapest so if ever interested in meeting or to go  to a movie etc, etc, Im here.  Thanks, Tony


I'm from Spain and now I'm living in Budapest.
I would like to meet with new people and make new friend to talk with them in Spanish/English and have fun together.

My email

CU soon


hi Carolina,

welcome to! :D

You could post an introduction in the Budapest forum
so other members can familiarise themselves with you.

Best of luck,

Hi Haf,

Thank u very much

Hi there,

I am Polish, living in Budapest for some time now ... happy to meet for a coffee or beer, or a game of squash if you'd like (i am beginner) or billard, etc

write me
