Australians in Chile / Practicing english

Pleasee if someone can help me, it will be awsome!!!!!. I'm learning english, because I'm going to travel  to Australia in September  and I need to practicing english, right now !!!! :D

Hi Pilaroyarzun,

I invite you to post in the Language classes in Chile section please :)

Thank you

Expat-blog Team

Hi Pilar,

I live in downtown Santiago, very close to Metro La Moneda, we can get togheter for a cup of tea and have a nice chat about anything for as long as we want. Don't hesitate to callme at any time.
Cordially yours,

Fernando de La Cuadra   2688 4387 apartment 9 360 2025 cel Movistar.


You would like to learn English from Australians?
Thats ok if you dont want to speak to or understand anyone else around the world
in their form of the language!
Learn from an Irish guy, after all we taught the English to speak originally, all those
moasteries like Lindisfarne, Iona and Glastonbury, biggest mistake we ever made:)
Seriousl, you could teach me a little Chilean/Spanish in return

¿Le gustaría aprender el inglés de australianos?
El Thats okey si usted dont quiere hablar a o entender a alguien más alrededor del mundo
¡en su forma de la lengua!
Aprenda de un tipo irlandés, después de todo enseñamos a los Ingleses hablar al principio, todos aquellos
moasteries como Lindisfarne, Iona y Glastonbury, el error más grande alguna vez hicimos:)
Seriousl, usted podría enseñarme un pequeño chileno/Español a cambio

(Moderated: Please avoid leaving your phone number on the forum)

One has to be more imaginative :)

Hi Pilar, you should definitely go to they do parties in santiago, a lot of foreigners go, also there are another activities , is almost the same.

Good luck

They knocked off your number but is there a private message facility on the site?

I need to work on English, in exchange teach Spanish in a fun and free way to best.