2 Americans visiting Chile

My name is Kendra and we will be in Chile until March 3rd. We want to meet as many people as possible and we will be traveling in the south and the north to get an idea of a possible place to buy a farm in the future. If anyone wants to meet up please email me.

Kendra, my daughter and I are down here from the US through next Wednesday. We are exploring like you guys. We'd like to get a farm down here. But would like to have solid internet access as well. If you guys are in the same region, we should meet up and exchange notes and experiences. We have been a bit overwhelmed so far with the differences in everything down here and the language barrier. We know about 8 weeks of spanish. :)
We are currently in talca, heading to concepcion tomorrow, and then the lakes region.

Hi Eric, we plan to go to those cities tmr and the next day. You are a bit ahead of us. I have a cell in Chile if you want to call me. Email access is spotty. 569 5251 8800 you may not need the 1st 3 #{s  drpearsall@gmail.com  Kendra

You need learn spanish u.u

We are without cell down here. Just using WiFi to communicate. Have you guys figured out how to even buy property down here. We have driven 100s of miles without seeing even 1 for sale sign or really office.

There is lots of property for sale.
You can put a card in your cell phone that makes it usable in Chile. Any mobile store can do it. We are using Mobile Virgin. portalinmobiliario.com/propiedades/busqueda/venta/agricola/bernardo-ohiggins/cachapoal/rancagua?ca=3 is a site Maybe you should call us.