Meeting expats in Lebanon

Hello! I'm a Lebanese traveler who enjoys meeting people from different cultures. I'm almost done with my 6 month backpacking trip. It has been amazing seeing all the diversity a small part of the world has to offer. I'll be back home end of January and I would be happy to keep meeting more people from all around the world in my own country. Send me a message if you're interested in meeting up / hanging out.

My name is salah .I liked your post and looks very close to my way of describing things to do.
I would be very interested to meet you in Beirut or Paris and exchange some of the ideas you were talking about,in particular meeting people from everywhere in this small world.
You may drop a

Hi Salah
How are you?
When will you be visiting Beirut?

Hi Joelle
Thks for reply.
I will be in Beirut early Feb..
I would like tcall you and have a coffee.
Can you send me your mobile No. in Lebanon?
Hope for the best

Hi Joelle

I am now in Beirut.
I got some friends here with whom we spend pretty good time visiting places, going out, etc. I have a nice place up in the mountains with the most beautiful view I ever seen. So what do you think of inviting your friends to a party? BBQ, some alcohol, nice music and open people? I am thinking of a small party, like 20-30 people. That would be pretty nice! Also, share pictures of this place with your friends, I am sure they'll love it.
I would like to call you and have a coffee.
Can you send me your mobile No. in Lebanon?
Hope for the best

hello dear u can contact me when u will be here , i have a lot of free time this coming month so i can help u .