Lets go together in Genting Higland

i have the idea to go a group of expats in Genting highland and
take the day in there and took some beautiful picture to put in the site,
its kinda fun and become friends
and its easy to get information after knowing every one

what do you think about this

Hi Bigkuntry,
What a lovely idea!
Where is Genting Highland? Not that I could attend LOL! I'm in UAE but for other members it would be nice to have a little more info on your proposal!

hi FeeAcer
Genting highland is this nice place who i can say is like destiny land
it got all the things like rollercaster and many other games, you can see animals, and even they have artificial snow, casino
so many things i cant mention

Still doesn't tell me where it is located! in UK?

ooh yeah i didnt mention the country

its malaysia special kuala lumpur
so any body in here we can arrange a meeting

it is a highland in Pahang state and about an hour drive from Kuala Lumpur. It is a very popular vacation place for malaysian and visitors..
There has indoor and outdoor theme park,casino,nice view and chilling place...would be a good idea to have a day out over there..
or not Cameron Highland also a great place to go, it is just near about and also chilling and natural place which you can get a lot of fresh fruits,vegetables and flowers.
Or Actually can suggest Melaka which is an hour drive too, with lots of history to see and enjoy a great day out.
I could be volunteer for tour guide and trip planner if there are some small group of people interested to go around malaysia and have a short visit.

Bigkuntry wrote:

ooh yeah i didnt mention the country

its malaysia special kuala lumpur
so any body in here we can arrange a meeting

:lol: we were thinking it was in UK : your profile locates you in London (you might want to modifiy your profile to reflect your location :) ).

Buddies.. I've been looking forward to visit Genting Highlands as well.. can join the group for a weekend visit after the Ramadan.
Infact I was planning to book the one day package from KL Sentral station.. do let me know if anyone wants to join or can plan the outing in a group?

Hi guys,

I also wanna take a trip to Gentling....Please let me know if you have any plan, we can accompany and need a tour guide as well :-)

yeah we will go after ramadan
so lets agree a date,
i guess you all like in the weekends because every onis is free on weekends
what about if we go september 12 its a sunday?
any one got problem with this date
let me know

Great idea! I would prefer 11th instead

I am in do let me know the confirmed date.

Dear all,

there is no many replies....?! I am available on Sunday 12/09.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Hola a todos,

Mi nombre es Rosa Misas y te escribo de Castilla La Mancha TV. Estamos preparando un nuevo capítulo del programa Castellano-manchegos por el mundo (no sé si conoces el formato por Españoles por el mundo, Andaluces por el mundo,...)

Estamos buscando personas de la comunidad autónoma de Castilla la Mancha para nuestro programa (Toledo, Cuenca, Albacete, Ciudad Real y Guadalajara)
No sé si tu eres de alguna de estas provincias o si conoces a alguien de nuestra comunidad que viva allí.
Si es así te agradecería muchísimo que nos lo hicieras saber. Te dejo mi mail y mi teléfono

Espero tu respuesta.
Muchas gracias por todo.

Un saludo.

Rosa Misas
"Castellano-manchegos por el mundo"
+ 34 917368726

Hello Rosamisas!

Could you please write in English in this forum? Thus, enabling other members to understand and participate as well.


is the tour already done???

If this is still being planned, my family and I are interested...


Hi everyone, I just joined. I go to Genting every week to play golf. So I know Genting pretty well. I know where to eat the best food up at Genting. So if you guys and gals decide on when to visit Genting , I would like to join you people.