
Washer ripped off?


If anyone knows the used appliance store next to Janet's supermarket in cabarete and knows whether or not the guy is trustworthy,  we would appreciate some advice. We bought a used washer (whirlpool... we have photos)  and discovered after hooking it up with full water pressure  and full generator power that it did not work. We called and told him we were bringing it back and wanted our money back and long story short he claims the washer is repaired... But they aren't  open and we are leaving DR. Is there any chance he will honor his guarantee and deliver it to us? Would having a local talk to him help or a lawyer?

See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideVacuum cleaner, sewing machine, printerWhat you can and can't buy in the DRAmazon orderingSirena Puerto Plata Christmas

I hope it works out. if he says its repaired he probably means it. IMO Dominicans cannot repair anything correctly.i have to fix everything they attempt to do. but that's another issue. if he has a business you probably be ok.Yes have a Dominican friend go talk if not in country.


Thanks, texasdonkey... Yeah some friends are going to pursue it for us...even if we get the broken one back... My husband can fix it in April...


bring parts


It's likely he will honor it and assume it could take another trip back for further repairs......

Bob K

If he has a ligit business here he will most likely take care of it for you.  I would have your friend find out what parts are needed and as Texasdonkey said bring them back with you.  Parts here are many time junk or "seconds"

Remember the Dominican motto:  "never fix once what you have the chance to fix multiple times...job security"  :D:D:D

Bob K


Good one Bob.....Happy 2016 Everyone, been hanging out elsewhere for a while. Interesting to see what other bloggers have to say about D.R.


Just as an update!  We got the washer back and it "turns on" (meaning the lights come on...haven't attempted a load because we're back in the states) After calling and requesting to return the washer for the cash, we showed up with the washer and the owner was gone with the money to take his sick wife to Santiago (grain of was possible...although odd that he would take the money we had been told would be waiting for us...) So, with a receipt stating that the washer was returned and assurances that the money would be there the next day (from the owner via the phone in his store) we made the bad choice of leaving the washer...and found out that they were not open the next day (new year's eve) even though they assured us they were going to be...So we left DR thinking this was our first lesson in what can happen...but have friends back in Cabrera who would pursue the issue...and were successful! 

But, to his credit...he fixed the washer (we hope) and our friends went and picked it up!  So, no harm no foul...hopefully! 

Lesson learned:  You have to have someone local (and very fluent in Spanish) to help you out of these sort of binds when you don't live there fulltime!

Bob K

I hope it works and a good lesson learned.

Bob K


Update to our used washer episode:  It works!  So, now I can officially say everything went well! 

So the list of surprises remains at 10:  Water lines cut, and then cut again, power lines cut by Edenorte, two toilets stolen, one pane of a three panel sliding door stolen, one pool pump replaced, one cistern pump replaced, two circuit breaker boxes corrected (...looked like someone rigged a bomb so it would explode if tampered with!), three pad locks cut and replaced because keys couldn't be found, sand filter plug hot-glued back into place...and counting... :D


Oh wow......   I  have never kept count in any house apartment or business........ maybe I should.....LOL

Glad the washer is sorted.


This being our first Island purchase...we are definitely keeping track of all the little expenses...but, we looked for a house that needed none of these expenses were entirely unexpected...well except for the thefts...that occurred as we were not sure how/who had access...

I plan to blog our experiences and fixes in detail for others to learn from our adventure... :D


Great plan,  please do write about it all.  So note to self and others: If you are in closing make sure all items are detailed and double checked that same day!   Yikes,  so not fun! 

I will have a story to tell one day soon too.

Bob K

I look forward to following your adventure here.

Bob K


Okay, final chapter on our washer saga.  Turns out to "repair the fuse" meant to rip out the circuit board of the washer and slap in a much simpler (probably from a dominican washer) board and break the connections that allow hot water to be added...or load size to be selected, etc.  So, it works...but, not beyond filling with cold water and spinning...LOL  So essentially a dominican washer now.  So, we will be bringing a new circuit board to install and maybe bring the guy back his old circuit board so that he can rig together another fix! Ha!

Bob K

Sounds like a typical Dominican fix to me  :)

Bob K