Dating and finding love as an expat in Italy


With cultural barriers and different dating norms, finding love as an expat abroad can be exciting and challenging at the same time.

Is it easy to meet other fellow single people in Italy?

How do you go about meeting people (through friends, online dating, apps, meetup groups)?

How safe is it to date in Italy?

How do you deal with cultural differences when dating?

What are certain dating etiquettes and rules when dating in Italy?

How do you deal with getting into a serious relationship if you know you might be leaving Italy?

Thank you for sharing your experience,


Hi there, its nice to hear about this topic! Recently I moved Rome, italy from London and I'm learning Italian language and try to coop with this culture and people here. Try to find girls to make my things easier and making relationship. Don't know michu about italy how can get and approach to the girls if expat could help then it will be amazing.❤️

Thanks for the subject Prisci,I have been around couple of months ago,I am from Ghana.
I've started Italian language school few weeks ago,and I am looking for a female from who will show me around and also to make the language easier for me.
I registered with one dating site, unfortunately they speak and write only in Italian,I had to delete myself from the site ,because I had to use google translator always.
And it will be nice if can help in this area.

I think your post are very interesting to read. I like good friendship  and people with

like minded  to communicate I speak and write English only but will love to learn new


