Yoga Teacher intending to move to The Netherlands

Hello everyone!

My name's Kanke, I'm a Thai citizen with intentions to move to Rotterdam to teach yoga at a couple of studios there. I've recently networked with them and they're interested in taking me on so long as I legally live in The Netherlands.

I love the Netherlands, I have friends there already so relocating would not be much of an emotional problem, its rather exciting giving that I resonate with the lifestyle there...But I am tangled up in many inquiries. I'd appreciate if anyone can offer insight!

My biggest worry is the visa part. As yoga teachers, we are self- employed, teaching at studios who need yoga teachers to use their space. Therefore we need each other. Because of this, would I be most suitable for freelancer visa? Is there a difference between Self- Employed visa and Freelancer visa?
Apparently to apply for either of those visas, I'd have to create a legal entity- I plan to do this, registering with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. But wouldn't I need a Dutch address for my legal entity? And if I need the physical address, wouldn't that require me to apply for a Self-employed/ freelancer visa first? I've read that as part of the application process, the Dutch Embassy (in Thailand) would need proof of accommodation. I just need clarification of what to logically do first, because right now I feel I'm in a Catch-22 type situation.  :o

I also have a degree in Interior Design so my legal entity will offer this profession alongside by yoga teaching business. When this is the case, is there such thing as registering for Creative Freelancer visa?

If anyone has any ideas or experiences similar to this and have successfully moved there or still going through such process. Let's talk about it! :)

Nice meeting everyone!

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

The first thing you need to do is decide on what you want to do; a visa for being self-employed, teaching Yoga, is a different visa to having a conventional job being employed as an Interior Designer, you can only apply for one.  Once you are in, then you can change things around.

So, how do you do it - all the details you need are on the Dutch Government (IND) website: these links will take you there:

Self employed

My advice is to read the links and the information they contain, then make your mind up.

Probably the most important thing is that part of the process is that you will have to learn Dutch and take an exam as part of your visa process; the details are in the links.

If you have any further specific questions, then please come back to us.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Hi Cynic,

Thank you for the prompt response, yes this helps.

To clarify, my intentions are to become a yoga teacher in The Netherlands, the Interior Design field can come in later once I've settled. So Self- Employed visa is the most suitable way to go, if I'm focusing on the yoga teaching part.

For the Self - Employed visa, would you agree that I should register my legal entity through the KVK first before applying visa at all? Are there any links that offers free legal advice for in The Netherlands.

If I were to go through with that, I would need a Dutch address for my legal entity, but I prefer not to pay rent and find an apartment in Rotterdam from long- distance during my visa approval process. Would it be acceptable to temporarily use a Dutch P.O box as the physical address for my legal entity to submit to the KVK the sake of registration requirement?

Also if I were to categorize my legal entity as Creative, LLC, is there such thing as Creative Freelancer for non- EU citizens in The Netherlands. This link … freelancer exposed me to the idea.

Let me know what you think, thanks Cynic :)


Hi again.

I would certainly speak to the KvK before I made any decisions; they have a very good website (link), it used to have an English version, but Google translate does a reasonable job.  This will take you straight to their contact page with all the various means described.

Your link seems doable providing you can meet all the conditions - the health insurance may be an issue if you don't have a proper job because the payments are taken from your salary at source; I suspect your Dutch friends were already in a health scheme.  Nobody expects you to land in Schiphol with a business up and running, the only hurdle really is if the Netherlands needs more Yoga teachers, or whether your style is unique and so enhances what they already have - I don't know, but you will have to convince them in order to get your visa.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team