ChildsLife is organizing an event (22-26 october 2019) which I want to inform you about…..
I want to invite you and your colleagues / family / friends to join me to go to KENYA for an experience of a life-time!
Together we will RUN for Charity for ChildsLife (10 km, 21 km or 42 km…. something for everyone) in a beautiful Tea plantation with stunning views in West Kenya.
A track-session with Elite Kenyan Runners who will provide us with tips & tricks will be part of the itinirary, just like a hands-on visit to the Projects of ChildsLife in the slums of Nairobi.
We will finish the programme with a beautiful Safari to spot the exciting Wildlife (lions, rhino’s, zebra’s , giraffes etc) and to enjoy the African landscape.
Something unforgettable for yourself and something unforgettable for someone else ………
With your help ChildsLife can help over 16.000 children per month who live in extreme poverty in Africa and eastern Europe. (Providing school-meals and clean & safe water for schools, education, support for HIV women & children etc)
For more information please contact me on :