News of the week: Chicken shortage looms after egg crisis?

Expat news
  • Anca Milushev /
Published on 16 August, 2024
This week's headlines are buzzing with news of a potential chicken shortage affecting markets across the country, a newly unveiled pay scale in the private sector, and Mauritius clinching a spot in the Top 10 best investment destinations in Africa.

Chicken shortage in markets

The dwindling availability of chicken is sparking growing concern among consumers. Market stalls are increasingly barren, with traders pointing accusatory fingers at major suppliers who are failing to keep up with the burgeoning demand. As a result, many have turned to smaller, local producers, but even these sources are struggling to supply the necessary quantities. Producers attribute the shortage to a surge in consumption, though there's hope on the horizon—the situation is expected to stabilize in the coming weeks. This chicken crisis follows closely on the heels of an egg shortage that recently disrupted supermarkets, though that situation has mostly returned to normal across the island.

Private sector pay adjustments

The Ministry of Finance has just revealed a long-anticipated update to the private sector pay scale, a move following the establishment of the minimum wage. As a result, 197,042 private sector employees are set to receive a pay hike. This adjustment, which accounts for seniority, is a direct outcome of the minimum wage increase. Employees earning between 20,000 and 50,000 rupees will see an increment of 2,925 rupees, while others will receive a raise proportional to their December 2023 salaries. Additionally, new minimum salaries have been introduced for positions requiring a diploma or a bachelor's degree, set at 23,000 and 25,000 rupees respectively. However, not everyone is celebrating the new pay scale. There are growing concerns that small and medium-sized enterprises may struggle to absorb these wage increases, potentially leading to job losses.

Meanwhile, civil servants are also in for a boost, with a 5% pay rise on the cards.

Investment in Africa: Mauritius ranks as second top destination

Mauritius has made a strong showing in the latest Rand Merchant Bank report, emerging as the second-best investment destination in Africa, trailing only the Seychelles. The ranking, based on criteria such as economic performance, market accessibility, investor appeal, and social and human development, places Mauritius among the continent's elite. The other nations rounding out the Top 10 include Egypt, South Africa, Morocco, Ghana, Tunisia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Algeria. The government's ongoing efforts to position Mauritius as a premier investment hub in Africa are clearly paying off.