The COVID-19 crisis may have suspended your expatriation plans, you may have had to go back to your country of birth or maybe you are an expat in quarantine. Wherever you are you can still discover your country of adoption’s culture… from your couch. Famous British actor Charlie Chaplin said: “There are more valid facts and details in works of art than there are in History books.”. Here is a small world tour of online cultural offers that will enable you to learn a bit more about your country of residence without going out.
They are the temples of culture in the biggest cities of the world, the most amazing museums open their doors and offer virtual tours like you were there. Discover impressionists and post impressionists artworks that made Guggenheim Museum of New York famous. From Egyptian antiquities to Apollo gallery, get lost in the maze 2.0 of The Louvres of Paris. Learn about History while visiting the British Museum of London and discover the famous paintings by Vermeer and Rembrandt on the Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam.
What is more entertaining than learning about a country through its cinema?
A lot of streaming websites give access today to thousands of movies for free. Classics to modern, in black and white or in color, in different languages with or without subtitles, the offer is huge. In Spain, for instance, the TV channel RTVE offers a great selection of Spanish movies that will take you to different periods of the country's History.
If you like the Japanese culture, Kyoto Animations studios is also streaming animés series.
You can also learn so much through music. The Philharmonic Orchestra of Berlin, Germany, the State Opera of Vienna, Austria, the Symphonic Orchestra of Gothenburg, Sweden or the one in London, England or the Metropolitan Opera of New York, USA: all those famous musical institutions offer captation of concerts or opera for free. The Barber of Sevilla by Rossini, Macbeth by Verdi, Parsifal by Wagner… every day, you can enjoy great operas from all over the world.
It can be difficult to get into reading classics of literature. Take advantage of being quarantined to dive into famous novels that mark History. Zola or Camus in France, Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky in Russia, Steinbeck or Faulkner in the USA, Senghor in Senegal or Beto in Cameroun are just a few references among so many others. Today, you can get classics novels on all online platforms in ebook format. If you like to be read to, a lot of books are available to listen to on the Internet.
Finally, for theatre lovers, the Comédie Française just launched a free channel called “La comédie continue” where you can find shows, interviews, comments…