With the temperature falling, all you want is to hide under your duvet with a nice hot meal and tea. How about learning how to make your own dholl puri to satisfy your cravings for a warm homemade meal? Here is the recipe.
- 500g all purpose flour
- 3 tsb oil
- Salt
- 1 cup flour
- Oil
- 250g gram dhal
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1tsp turmeric powder
- Salt
- Boil your gram dhal in 1 litre of water adding 1 tsp of turmeric powder, 1 tsp cumin and salt to taste
- Boil for up to 45 minutes checking for the softness of the gram dhal. You can stop the process if it crushes when you softly press it with a spoon
- When it is ready, skim the froth from the surface of the water
- Strain the gram dhal but do not throw away the water
- Grind the gram dhal in a food processor until it has an even consistency
- When all the gram dhal has reached a powder-like consistency, put aside for later use.
- Onto the dough now, sift the flour and add the oil and salt. Gradually add the boiled water from the gram dhal. Knead until dough resembles bread dough.
- Add 3 tsb oil and knead until the dough absorbs the oil.
- Let it rest for 30 minutes
- Back to the dhal.
- Add 1 tsp cumin and mix
- Roll the dhal into small lemon-sized balls.
- After the dough has rested for 30 minutes, pinch out a ball a little bigger than the dhal ball and flatten it
- Place a dhal ball in the center and close the dough forming an envelope around the dhal
- Roll the dough into a ball and set aside
- Repeat with the rest of the dhal and dough
- Let them rest for 30 mins
- Roll out the dhal puri on a floured surface
- Oil a hot pan or “tawa” and place the dhal puri on the hot surface for around a minute
- Brush the dhal puri with oil as needed