News highlights of the week: Demonstrations in Rodrigues, new fishing port in Mahebourg

Expat news
Published on 23 June, 2023
This week, there were demonstrations in Rodrigues, a new fishing port project in Mahebourg, and the passing of a prominent public figure.

New fishing port in Mahebourg

The government is planning to build a new fishing port in Mahébourg to help the local fishermen and small businesses in the fishing industry. The port will have modern facilities for processing and storing seafood products, as well as designated areas for local fishing boats to dock. This project is in line with the government's goal of developing the blue economy and ensuring that the island is more self-sufficient in terms of food production.

Passing of Sir Bhinod Bacha

On Saturday evening, Sir Bhinod Bacha passed away at the age of 81 at Victoria Hospital. His death was the result of an accident that occurred in the parking lot of Orchard Tower in Quatre-Bornes, near his residence. With his passing, an important era in Mauritius' post-independence history comes to a close.

Sir Bhinod Bacha held a remarkable position as a civil servant, having served directly under the leadership of four Mauritian Prime Ministers: Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, Navin Ramgoolam, Sir Anerood Jugnauth, and Pravind Jugnauth, whom he continued to advise. He began his career in the civil service in 1968, primarily working at the Office of the Prime Minister. His dedication and hard work led to his promotion to the esteemed role of Chief of the Civil Service after serving as Secretary of Defense in 1981. Sir Bhinod Bacha retired in 1996 after being one of Sir Anerood Jugnauth's closest collaborators.

Even after retiring, Sir Bhinod Bacha remained actively involved in governmental affairs. He held the distinction of being one of the last Mauritians to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth, receiving the title of "Sir" in December 1991, shortly before Mauritius became a Republic.

Demonstration in Rodrigues

On Saturday, June 17, a demonstration took place on the streets of Port Mathurin in Rodrigues. The unions, organized by the Rodrigues Government Employees Association, voiced their opposition to two issues: the dismantling of the Water Unit and the borrowing of 1 billion rupees for the privatization of the water sector.

The protesters strongly criticize the decision made by the regional government to close down the Water Unit and secure a loan of 1 billion rupees to hand over the management of the water sector to the Mauritius Investment Corporation (MIC). This is not the first time such a demonstration has occurred, as a similar protest had already taken place earlier this year. Further actions and demonstrations are planned in the upcoming weeks to express their discontent with these decisions.