
Income tax in Germany

German tax form
Published on 31 October 2014
Updated byCharlotte Luiseon 02 April 2024

When you begin to earn money in Germany, your income is subject to different kinds of deductions (i.e., retirement and unemployment insurance, health insurance, nursing care insurance), including income tax based on your tax bracket. These deductions will lead to your net income, which understandably is less than the gross salary stated on your contract.

Couples in Germany (married or registered cohabiting partners) submit a joint tax return, even if their taxes are under different brackets. No matter what type of work you do (i.e., full-time, part-time, freelance work, etc.), your wages are taxed, usually on behalf of your employer. Hence, you don't have to worry about the monthly practicalities; however, it is highly advisable to keep track of your payslips and any income tax-related documents. At, we know that understanding the local tax system is essential for settling properly in a new country. So, here is what you need to know about the German income tax.

Tax brackets in Germany

In Germany, there are six tax brackets (Steuerklassen). A person can switch from one to another when a big change in their income occurs or their life circumstances change (e.g., get married, have children, undertake more than one job, etc.). Tax bracket II is for single parents; bracket III is for married couples and civil partners and applies to the spouse who earns more, whereas the spouse with the lower income falls under bracket V. Tax bracket IV is for married couples and civil partners who earn a similar amount of money. Bracket VI is for employees with more than one job, and bracket I is for single or separated individuals who don't fall into brackets II or III. 

Good to know

The tax bracket determines the value of social benefits, such as social security and maternity leave.

Social security in Germany

As we have seen in our article, the healthcare system in Germany, Germany offers great support to individuals who fall ill or lose their jobs as part of its social security system. Nevertheless, in order to benefit from these pillows (i.e., statutory health insurance, statutory pension insurance, statutory accident insurance, statutory unemployment insurance), you have to be a member of the respective insurance scheme(s) towards which you pay monthly contributions from your salary. Every employee is issued a social security card, which is proof of the employee's contribution to the statutory insurance. The card has a unique pension insurance number (Rentenversicherungsnummer), which remains the same regardless of a change of employer and, in the event of a loss, can be re-issued by the German Pension Insurance (Deutsche Rentenversicherung). 

Good to know:

The moment you become employed in Germany, you are automatically subscribed to the pension, long-term care, accident, and unemployment insurance schemes. For health insurance, you can opt for a private provider if you like. 


If you don't wish to pay church tax, leave the field “religion” empty; otherwise, about eight percent of your gross income will automatically be transferred to the church (Kirchensteuer).

Declaring your taxes as a self-employed in Germany

Self-employed and freelancers bear the responsibility of declaring their income taxes. However, in order to do that, you need to have a personal tax ID (Identifikationsnummer) and a Steuer-ID (Steueridentifikationsnummer). These numbers are very similar but used in different situations. If you have just arrived in Germany, you will receive the tax ID a few days after you have registered your address in Germany, but if you are not new to the country, you can request the tax ID online or visit your local tax office. Even if you deregister and then re-enter the country, your tax ID will remain the same. This number is important and will be needed for many other administrative procedures in the country. The next step is to register with the German tax authorities and apply for an electronic tax card (Lohnsteuerkarte), which you will get from the tax services of your municipality upon presentation of your residency certificate and passport. 

As a self-employed in Germany, you must pay income tax every quarter (based on your own income estimates) during the first year of activity. The following year, you will need to complete a single tax return. When you have sent your first tax declaration or registered your own business, you will also receive a local tax number (Steuernummer) allocated by your regional Finanzamt, which may change when you move house or get married. Therefore, you may need to go through several Steuernummern during your stay in Germany

Many self-employed people in Germany decide to hire an accountant to help them with their tax returns. The different forms plus the challenge of a foreign language can make filling them out yourself complicated (and very time-consuming). 


A tax ID is not the same as a tax number (Steuernummer), which is also necessary for any tax-related activities. 

Useful links:
Request a tax ID online

Request a tax number

Tax return in Germany

At the end of each calendar year, you may submit your income tax return form to the tax office. The form includes information about your earnings and tax deductions throughout the year. The tax office will check whether you paid more tax, and if this is the case, you will be entitled to receive the excess back. If you need help with this kind of paperwork, you can reach out to a tax assistance association or a tax consultant. In some cases, a tax return (Veranlagungspflicht) is mandatory; for example, when working for several employers, or if you have an additional income such as through rent or being on supplementary benefits such as child support, etc. The tax return has to be filed before the 31st of May. Additional time is granted if your tax return file is completed by a tax advisor. Most Germans use a tax consultant (Steuerberater) when owning a business or earning additional money through property. 

Useful links:
Tax return forms

Bundesverband Lohnsteuerhilfevereine e.V. (BVL) group of income tax assistance associations 

Smartsteuer and Steuertips software to submit your tax declaration online

Double taxation in Germany

If you have worked more than 183 days in Germany and your country has signed agreements with Germany to avoid double taxation (Doppelbesteuerung), you must pay income tax in Germany. The fiscal year in Germany runs from January 1 to December 31. Non-residents are taxed on their German income only. Germany has signed agreements with hundreds of countries to avoid double taxation. 

Useful link: 

List of countries Germany has tax agreements with

We do our best to provide accurate and up to date information. However, if you have noticed any inaccuracies in this article, please let us know in the comments section below.


Charlotte is an English copywriter, currently living in Berlin. After studying German at University, she moved to Frankfurt to teach English before moving on to the capital. She loves everything about Germany – from the language to potato salad!

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  • TominStuttgart
    TominStuttgart10 years ago(Modified)
    I agree with what has been written concerning the complexity of German tax law but have to add that I have found the tax authorities in Stuttgart to be generally friendly and helpful. I have often been late in filing my returns and know a number of people who owed a lot of back taxes and the bureaucrats were actually quite reasonable in giving extensions and coming up with payment plans to get people on back track again rather than just punishing them. In America the IRS often punishes people for the slightest mistake to make an example of them to scare people into staying honest. I have to disagree with Beppi's statement that ?filling something incorrectly in your favor is a criminal offense and can get you in jail, deported, or in the best case fined." WRONG - one is actually allowed and encouraged to take every reasonable deduction and is given the benefit of the doubt. If a deduction is disallowed, then they simply recalculate the resulting tax due but do not give punishments for honest mistakes or reasonable interpretations of the rules. Fraud gets punished but what can be seen as a simple mistake or reasonable interpretation (although rejected) is not. And in the courts, people often win against the tax authorities. The key is to be properly informed about what you are doing. The German tax bureaucrats are obliged to answer direct questions but not actually suggest what to do. For example, if you ask which is the best strategy to minimize taxes in a given situation they will say you need to go to a tax advisor. It saves the bureaucrats any effort but it is incorrect if they insist that you are required to have a tax advisor. But if you directly ask; can I do this? Or what are the limits for that, then they are obliged to tell you. I had a tax advisor do my returns my first 2 years in Germany and they charged me about 10% of my total income and basically just redid the calculations I had prepared for my American tax returns. (Yes, Americans, even if you end up not owing any tax, you still have to submit returns to the IRS on ALL of your income world-wide!). Despite this cost, they didn?t really give me any advice nor look for ways to save taxes. But with the copies of all of the forms they prepared, I have since then done my own taxes using the Taxman program (with handbook and CD) that comes out yearly. And there are a number of such programs on the market as well as clubs that help out wage earners (not self-employed) with their returns for free. The program organizes and makes all of the calculations and puts things in the proper categories but does require a good level of German and at least a basic feel for finances. A self-employed, low earner like me could probably fulfill the book keeping requirements just using Excel. If one does it themselves, they might need the occasional tip from an expert for unique or new things but the reality is that most thing concerning tax returns for most people are pretty routine and once someone has shown you how to do it ? one CAN do it themselves. Not only are tax advisors expensive but they like to insist that they have to take over and do everything and charge you a ton of money, so it helps to find one you can trust and just pay him for his time to answer specific questions.
  • beppi
    beppi11 years ago(Modified)
    German tax regulations are the most complicated in the world and even locals struggle to fill their annual tax declaration correctly. Without very good German language skills and knowledge of the system, it is not advisable to attempt doing it yourself. Engage a tax advisor (Steuerberater) instead. Not only would you possibly miss out on tax-deductible items (there are hundreds of these!), but filling something incorrectly in your favour is a criminal offense and can get you in jail, deported, or in the best case fined. There are many tax advisors available. Their fees are fixed by law and not cheap.
  • Peter Scheller
    Peter Scheller13 years ago(Modified)
    A comment on the first note: Income tax returns must be submitted to the tax authorities by 31 May of the following year (31 May 2012 for Income Tax Return 2011). The deadline 31 December is only applicable if a German Tax Adviser (Steuerberater) is filing the tax return. But every expatriate should use a tax adviser since German income tax law is complicated. And he or she will miss possible allowances or deductible expenses (job related or private). And most expats don't know that they have to declare also foreign source income in their German income tax return.
  • Guest
    Guest13 years ago(Modified)
    other usefull links:
  • Guest
    Guest13 years ago(Modified)
    other usefull informations for expats: - There is an additional solidarity surplus charge(Solidaritätszuschlag)of 5,5% of the income tax - Income tax returns must be submitted to the tax office by 31 December if a German tax adviser (Steuerberater) is filing the tax return. - Be aware of the German trade tax (Gewerbesteuer)if you are self employed. - more interesting information you can find at

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