Looking for a job in Skane? Find, in this article, some information on the region's labor market and some tips to guide you through your job search.
Founded in 1997 following the fusion of two provinces, which are Kristianstad and Malmöhus, Skane is the Southernmost region in Sweden. Stretching over 3% of the country, Skane hosts not less than 13% of the Swedish population. In fact, Skane comprises 33 municipalities, among which Malmö is the biggest one.
So if you are planning to move there, finding a job should not be a difficult task. Indeed, Skane provides many professional opportunities to skilled expatriates. But of course, you are advised to inquire on its labor market beforehand.
Economy and labor market
Health care and social services are the most active sectors in Skane. Indeed, most of the active population is involved in these sectors, like in the rest of the country. In 2013, unemployment rate in the region was at 4.2 %, accounting for 33,051 persons. However, rates vary from one municipality to another.
Thus, the highest unemployment rate was recorded in Malmö, that is 5.9 % against 1.7 % in Lomma for the same period. On the other hand, below is some information regarding employment in the following municipalities in 2013 (source: Statistics Sweden, Business Register):
- Skane region ' 7.2 %
- Malmö ' 4.1 %
- Lunds ' 2.2 %
- Helsingborgs ' 1.6%
- Kristianstads ' 1.5 %
- Lunds universitet ' 1.2 %
- Landskrona ' 0.8 %
- Trelleborgs ' 0.8 %
- Hässleholms ' 0.8 %
- Rikspolisstyrelsen ' 0.7 %
Promising fields
In 2013, most jobs in Skane were available in the following sectors:
- agriculture ' 13.8 %
- manufacturing, mining, energy ' 4.8 %
- construction industry ' 8 %
- trade and commerce ' 13.8 %
- hotels and restaurants ' 2.8 %
- transport and storage 2.8 %
- real estate, insurance and credit institutions ' 24.8 %
- local authorities, education and health care ' 8.1 %
- social services ' 16.1 %.
So you now know which are the sectors you can turn to during your job search in Skane.
Find a job
Feel free to visit the Arbetsförmedlingen website or the nearest labor office to your place of residence, depending on your municipality. But you can inquire with the neighboring municipalities as well. In fact, the labor office provides not only information and assistance to job seekers but also integration programs.
On the other hand, networking will be a serious advantage before moving there. The Sweden Forum can definitely help you with this. Make sure to check out the ads in the Jobs section as well. You might be lucky! Who knows?
Consider browsing job websites and professional social networks by typing the following keywords: 'jobb skån' or 'finding job skane sweden'. Some local newspapers such as Norra Skåne are also available online.
Useful links:
Expat.com ' Jobs in Skane
Arbetsförmedlingen www.arbetsformedlingen.se
Online Swedish newspapers www.onlinenewspapers.com
Norra Skåne www.nsk.se
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