Safety in Kuwait

safety in Kuwait
Joseph Creamer /
Updated by Lama Al Haqhaq on 04 August, 2024

Kuwait is known for its vibrant culture, modern amenities, and welcoming atmosphere. It is also considered a very safe place to live, especially compared to other countries in the region. In fact, Kuwait ranked 25th in the 2024 Global Peace Index, and was the highest scoring country in the Middle East. 

While Kuwait has a low crime rate, a stable political environment, and strong government institutions, its neighboring countries of Iraq, Iran and Syria make it slightly susceptible to potential harm.

Crime rates and security in Kuwait

As mentioned above, crime rates in Kuwait are very low, and violent crimes against travelers or foreigners are extremely rare. There is an emphasis on the country's security, and you will find a visible police presence in urban areas and public locations.

While there are some instances of petty crimes, such as theft, these are very rare occurrences and aren't something to worry too much about. You could face some instances of scams where you might be overcharged for items, particularly in tourist hotspots. However, being alert and aware of these things will help you avoid falling victim to them.

Overall, violent crime is incredibly rare, and Kuwait is generally considered safe for both travelers and residents. Many people praise Kuwait for being an ideal place to raise a family, especially compared to Western countries, where there are more threats surrounding children. Instances of kidnapping are extremely rare, and there is an overall sense of the community being family-oriented. Gun issues do not exist in Kuwait, so there is no fear surrounding that in schools either.

There are, of course, certain areas which would be best to avoid (especially if you're not moving in a big group of people), such as Jeleeb Al-Shuyoukh and Kabd. But these areas are generally a little further out from the city center, and closer to the desert areas.

You will also find that most residential buildings in Kuwait will have their own security guards, ensuring the safety of all tenants.

Emergency services in Kuwait

In case of emergencies, Kuwait has advanced, well-established emergency services which can be accessed by calling the universal emergency number, 112. This will immediately connect callers to police, fire, and ambulance services. Most of Kuwait's major hospitals and medical centers feature emergency departments that are equipped to handle a wide range of medical emergencies, further improving the country's emergency response capabilities.

Travel and transportation safety in Kuwait

Road safety is one area which requires extra attention. Kuwait has a high rate of car accidents, with 296 people killed in different traffic accidents in 2023 alone. Being vigilant on the road is definitely important, especially during adverse weather conditions such as heavy rain or fog, where visibility significantly decreases across the whole country.

Public transportation in Kuwait is generally safe to use, but it is advisable to always check to ensure that taxi cars have registered taxi license plates, and try to avoid riding the buses at night when they're a little bit emptier than usual.

Natural hazards and environmental safety in Kuwait

Kuwait's desert climate brings about scorching hot summers and harsh winters, with occasional sandstorms during transitional seasons. While this doesn't happen very frequently, sandstorms, heavy rain, and fog can have a dramatic impact on visibility. It's always advised to monitor weather forecasts, especially during the transitional and winter months, to avoid getting stuck outside in these conditions.

Safety precautions for expats in Kuwait

While Kuwait is generally a very safe place to live, it's always a good idea to adhere to general safety precautions to ensure that you and your family remain safe.

If you're a woman, it is always recommended that you avoid walking in poorly lit areas alone at night. As mentioned, crime is very low, but it's best to remain vigilant.

Keep yourself up to date when it comes to local news and advisories, particularly regarding safety and security updates. While extremely rare, there have been incidents where Kuwait was under threat from terrorist organizations. Staying informed will help you make better decisions throughout your stay in Kuwait.

If you're visiting crowded tourist spots, it's always a good idea to keep your personal belongings secure and close to you. While petty crime is rare, there's always a chance that it might happen in overcrowded areas.

It's also a good idea to have your emergency contact numbers readily accessible, including your country's embassy or consulate.

Useful links:

2024 Global Peace Index

Ministry of Interior

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