
How to cancel visa 18 in Kuwait?


Dear all, I need your advice and thanks in advance....

I really confused right now with hows the procedure to cancel your visa 18 in Kuwait (I worked for 1.5 years). I did pass my resignation letter a couple months ago to my employer and he said he will let me go. But untill now we havent cancel and last time my employer said he will cancel it right before the day I leave Kuwait. i bought my air ticket back home for Aug 26 already, anyone knows hows the procedure to cancel it and how long will it take? Can I do it by myself and where to go?

See also

Visas for KuwaitShort-term visas for KuwaitKuwait visa applicationLooking for a job & visa Sponsorship in kuwaitBest attestation company for visa requirements

You're employer is saying right.,but sometimes hard to believe. But yeah they will cancel your visa right after you leave that country. Look if they will cancel your visa and you are still there you'l be question at the airport. And even they don't cancel it. You will have to wait after 6months in order to delete,erase or desolve all your records.


no Saljai, incorrect.

you can cancel your visa and remain in the country on a temporary visa to get your affairs in order before you leave.

if you ever plan on returning, ensure you are cancelling your visa properly so u dont cause problems for yourself when you want to return, if ever.

the place to ask is located in Kuwait City, its behind KIPCO Tower, on the same road as Dar Al Awadhi, like keep dar al awadhi on your right, take the first right, head straight, you'll find a roundabout, its the building to the right of the roundabout, there is also a police training academy, the KPTC bus station, and the police impound lot for cars. Go there on sunday, ask around. Take someone with you who speaks arabic tho.


Maybe we are in different situation.,Coz I cancel my visa. That's what their protocol and maybe also in different ways in how your company will do it. But that's the way my company did.,they give me actually 3months to stay there but I rather want to go home so after I got home they cancel my visa.


Hey guys. How many months to wait for authomatic cancellation of expired visa?kuwait visa.  I need your answers please! Thank u so much.


after 6 months from date of departure from Kuwait.

You can check to see if the visa has expired online. check for more info


My employer said after 1year but all i know is only 6months thats why im confused about it right now. Please can anybody confirmed to me. Thank u so much.


can i cancel my visa on my own?  If yes,  how can I do that. I came into Kuwait on a false invitation . Was given a visa to work in a company for 150kd. When I arrived,  I was taken to work on a farm and having been receiving 70kd. My contract will be ending soon. I have seen new employers interested in my skill as a graduate and my current is sturbbonly unwilling to transfer me.  Please advice me how do I proceed forward?


Wildon i suggest you contact the owner of 248am, he can point you in the right direction as he posted something about a similar problem with a fellow African here


Dear all, I need your advice and thanks in advance....

I have 18 no. company visa. When i told in my company for give some emergency Leave But company not agree with any certain days of leave. My First day Kuwait was 19- Oct.-2016. already completed my 9 months as from Oct. Month. So, I put a resign and already give 2 months notice period. My Civil ID expired in November End. so, m i eligible now for company Leave ? as per law. and my contract mansion like (This contract is applicable for period from on arrival to ONE YEAR). My Contract is Only For one year. So, Please Guide Me when i can go ?

Thank x In Advance.


Hello there just want to ask about cancelation of visa i am 1yr and 8mos working here i start  here in kuwait january 2016 it is ok to resign this november 2017 even if my finish contract is janaury 2018, is my company ask me to pay For  The remaining mos from the date i will resign? If i go vacation and not going back here is there have making problem in the future,?  I have plan also to work in dubai is there posibilty to have a problem in dubai since im not visa cancel here in kuwAit after i go home or take an exit going in dubai any suggestion are higly appreaciate thank you

Narinder singh chugh

Sir I m returned kuwait company cancelled my18 visa & issue for me 14 visa soo now I want re-enter in kuwait soo I have any law problem sir


sir.. can i ask for a site where i can check if my visa in kuwait has been cancelled already???

Sankar 83

I want to cancel my visa stamped on 10th June,

Can I cancel my visa,
Company  gave clearance,
After re entry  permit will be issue
I got a job in Kuwait,
Can I come back, is there any problem or any time  limit is there


Hi Sankar

What is the type of your current visa?

Sankar 83

If any visa  14 or 18,
Cancel through our sponsor, legally  cancel  and
Re entry  can I come once I leave from Kuwait after  10  days  ,
I got job from  Kuwait,


Yes, it's simple just go to your sponsor and ask him to give you final termination and then go to immigration , they have a certain procedures which you need to follow. That's all.

Sankar 83

Thank you  very much  Moo,
I can come back return with new visa  with in 10 days after cancellation, correct my dear,


Yes , you can come back within 10 days or even less.

Sankar 83

Thank you very much Moo, thanks for your information, now I got it, thanks a lord

Sankar 83

dear sir,

I came with 3 month  entry visa,
Now I want to leave from Kuwait and I want to join another company in Kuwait,
With in a week Can I  get  new visa any other procedure.

Sankar 83

Give me some ideas for exit from Kuwait after that cancellation from immigration


Hello guys ,
I am an employee in a factory as a designer and i had submitted my resignation and its accepted , now i wish to know that after the cancellation of the visa how long can i stay in Kuwait before leaving to my country.


1 month.