Explore housing opportunities in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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83 properties found in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Kinshasa Fr 300,000 / Negotiable Very clean plot Fr 300,000 / Negotiable House for sale, 4 bedrooms, 390m2 last year
Kinshasa $ 2,700,000 / Negotiable SALE: 6000m² CONCESSION WITH 4 BLOCKS ON KINSHASA-LIMETE $ 2,700,000 / Negotiable Building for sale, 3 bedrooms 2 years ago
Kinshasa $ 5,000 per month Contemporary villa in a secure concession in the city $ 5,000 per month House for rent, 3 bedrooms, 222m2 3 years ago

Houses around Democratic Republic of Congo

Building for sale 3 Housing ads
Flat for rent 48 Housing ads
Flat for sale 2 Housing ads
House for rent 5 Housing ads
House for sale 7 Housing ads
Land for sale 7 Housing ads
Office for rent 1 Housing ad
Room for rent 1 Housing ad
Vacation flat rental 8 Housing ads
Kinshasa 71 Housing ads
Do you have a house to sell or flat to rent? Are you looking for a new home?
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