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30 properties found in Rome

Pomezia € 475 per month Two-room apartment for rent in Pomezia € 475 per month Flat for rent, 1 bedroom, 44m2 6 months ago
L'Aquila € 480 per month Studio apartment for rent in L'Aquila € 480 per month Flat for rent, 30m2 6 months ago
Milan € 1,050 per month Studio apartment for rent in via Conservatorio, 30 € 1,050 per month Flat for rent, 1 bedroom, 33m2 7 months ago
Milan € 625 per month Studio apartment for rent in Milan € 625 per month Flat for rent, 1 bedroom, 49m2 7 months ago
Napoli € 500 per month Studio apartment for rent in Naples € 500 per month Flat for rent, 1 bedroom, 27m2 7 months ago
Italy € 1 Super bright, super views, panoramic apartment in Italy € 1 Flat for sale, 1 bedroom, 94m2 9 months ago
Ispica € 110,000 Apartment like new in Borgo Rio Favara - Ispica € 110,000 Flat for sale, 2 bedrooms, 54ares 9 months ago
Roman catholic Archidiocese of Agrigento € 350 per month Room for rent € 350 per month Flat share, 3 bedrooms, 150m2 10 months ago
Collepasso € 450 per month Country villa set amoungst the olive groves and vineyards € 450 per month House for rent, 2 bedrooms, 80m2 last year
Rome € 3,000 per month Parioli for rent € 3,000 per month Flat for rent, 3 bedrooms, 180m2 2 years ago

Houses around Rome

Flat for rent 16 Housing ads
Flat for sale 5 Housing ads
Flat share 1 Housing ad
House for rent 4 Housing ads
House for sale 1 Housing ad
Land for sale 1 Housing ad
Vacation flat rental 2 Housing ads
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