Job offers in Tanzania

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Latest job offers in Tanzania
Nanny Position: Full-Time, Live-In
Namala Tabaro
Fixed-term contract
Dar es Salaam
Added on 30/07/2024
TZS 300000
Everything you need to know to work in Tanzania
Finding work in Tanzania
If you are relocating to Tanzania, you are likely going to be looking for a job sooner or later! This article outlines the ins and outs of finding a job in Tanzania, from the general work climate for foreigners to advice and links for landing that position.
Setting up a business in Tanzania
If you are traveling or moving to Tanzania, you might be interested in setting up a business in the country. According to various business reports, it is a fairly stable and safe time to invest in the country, with low risk and high return potential. This article outlines Tanzania's overall business landscape, the types of businesses you can set up, and the details of doing so.
Internships in Tanzania
Completing an internship in Tanzania can be an incredibly personally and professionally rewarding experience. This is an attractive country to intern in from a professional standpoint because it is a country that is not yet popular on the classic Western map. This means that competition is relatively low for a variety of interesting listings, and you will have a unique experience that will certainly set you out above the rest. It also goes without saying that you are likely to gain cultural insights and understanding that will stand you in good stead for understanding people of various backgrounds and cultures, regardless of where you end up working in the future.
The Tanzanian labour market
If you are planning on relocating to Tanzania, it is a good idea to read up on relevant information around the Tanzanian labour market. Most of what you will read in this article reflects change that at least in part can be attributed to an increasing urbanisation, especially the youth who are moving to the denser cities where more job opportunities are present. This article will outline the general work climate of the country, popular over-and under-resourced sectors, and will also provide links for further reading.
Job candidates in Tanzania
Dar es Salaam
Added on 30/09/2024
USD 3000
Manager Electrical
venkateshwar rao
Fixed-term contract
Dar es Salaam
Added on 28/08/2024
USD 7000
Manager Electrical
venkateshwar rao
Fixed-term contract
Dar es Salaam
Added on 28/08/2024
USD 7000
Community Project Coordinator
Barnabas Lupande
Permanent contract
Added on 19/08/2024
USD 300
As executive chef
Permanent contract
Added on 18/08/2024
USD 6000
Cardiology nurse
Ivet Gomez
Permanent contract
Dar es Salaam
Added on 06/08/2024
EUR 1000
Added on 13/06/2024
USD 2500
Added on 12/06/2024
EUR 3000
Fruit picking
Vedasto Bunwa
Permanent contract
Added on 19/04/2024
Social Work
Neema Mwakabumbila
Permanent contract
Dar es Salaam
Added on 18/04/2024
USD 5000
Specialist in intensive medicine and emergencies
Permanent contract
Dar Es Salam / UPANGA.
Added on 11/03/2024
Specialist in intensive medicine and emergencies
Permanent contract
Dar es salam / Upanga
Added on 11/03/2024
Specialist in intensive medicine and emergencies
Permanent contract
dar es salam
Added on 11/03/2024
Fadhili mohamed abdallah
Permanent contract
Dar es Salaam
Added on 11/03/2024
Dar es Salaam
Added on 04/01/2024
USD 6500
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