Job offers in Santo Domingo

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Everything you need to know to work in Santo Domingo
Working in Santo Domingo
Moving to Santo Domingo? Apart from finding suitable accommodation, you will probably have to look for a job as well. We have gathered some helpful information for you on how to proceed. Let's hope this makes your search a bit easier and gives you time to daydream about your new life in paradise. 
Working in the Dominican Republic
If you are looking for a job in the Dominican Republic (DR), here are some tips and suggestions. Job hunting can be quite different here than what you are used to, so hopefully, this article enables you to gain more perspective about your options.
Setting up a business in the Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic has indeed been attracting foreign investment over the past few decades, with notable increases since 2000. As of the latest available data up to 2022, foreign direct investment (FDI) has been a significant contributor to the country's economy, particularly in sectors such as tourism, manufacturing, and energy.
Working in Puerto Plata
When looking for a job in San Felipe de Puerto Plata, also known as Puerto Plata, one of the first things to do will be to inquire about its labor market's requirements. In fact, it is best to make sure that you have the right profile before setting out on your job hunt. However, Puerto Plata, which is one of the Dominican Republic's major cities, does provide career prospects to qualified and skilled professionals.
Working in Santiago de los Caballeros
Do you wish to settle in Santiago de los Caballeros? Here is how to proceed to find a job in this major Dominican city, some insightful tips about the region, and why it is an attractive spot to live. 
Working in San Pedro de Macoris
If you are looking for a job in San Pedro de Macoris, here are some tips on its economy and labor market to guide you.
Job candidates in Santo Domingo
Santo Domingo
Added on 27/09/2024
Butcher shop butcher
Jorge Luis
Permanent contract
Santo Domingo
Added on 21/09/2024
USD 750
Mini club manager
Caron Morgane
Permanent contract
Santo Domingo
Added on 11/09/2024
EUR 1500
Math Teacher
Liskeidy Rosario Pér
Permanent contract
Santo Domingo
Added on 30/08/2024
USD 1500
I work in finance
Fixed-term contract
Santo Domingo
Added on 09/07/2024
USD 1000
I need job
Stacy Ramirez
Fixed-term contract
Santo Domingo
Added on 05/06/2024
Housekeeping help job
Permanent contract
Santo Domingo
Added on 28/05/2024
Permanent contract
Santo Domingo
Added on 16/05/2024
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