
Desperate to find a JOB in Santo Domingo!


Im Spanish and my boyfriend is a Venezuelan living in Santo Domingo. I am desperate to find a job there because it would be easier for me to live there than for him to move to Spain (and the work situation in Spain right now is.......aweful), but have been looking for the last couple of months with no luck! :(
I speak many languages and have a bachelor's degree in Translation and a Masters degree in USA as English teacher! I thought it would be easier to find a job in Santo Domingo as English teacher or anything related to languages, but Im starting to desperate :(
Any help or info would be REALLY appreciated...
gracias a todos......

See also

Job offers in Santo DomingoWorking in Santo DomingoWorking in the Dominican RepublicSetting up a business in the Dominican RepublicWorking in Puerto Plata

Hello marieta84 and welcome to! :)

I have placed your discussion in the Santo Domingo Forum for better visibility.

I hope that members will help you soon.

Good luck,


Thank you so much!!!!


Marieta:  Look at the website for the Instituto Cultural Dominico Americano....there is a teacher's conference June 23-24 which could open the door for you for an English teacher's position at the Instituto.  William, San Cristobal.


Thank you, William. I already had an interview with them when I was in Santo Domingo, with no luck...


Ouch! I was thinking of seeking a job there. I have only two years experience teaching English. If they didn't hire you, I don't think I have much of a chance.  William


Hello marieta84 and williamd!

Good luck to both of you in the 'search of a job'. ;)



you can work at Stream Global Services as a Customer representative, that is what i m doing for about 2 years since i came from the USA, that is one of the most well-paid job on the island, 20000$ pesos plus incentives...there are hiring in San Isidro(zona franca) and in the city center (calle tiradente), you can use my employee ID to help you out to get the job, good luck!

Christophe Gilet
oracle # : 3006880
Work at Cyberparc


Thank you, Christophe! But I already tried to send my Resume (through email and my boyfriend who lives there took it to the office himself too), as I am currently in Spain, but maybe they wont reply if Im not there in person.... ¿¿??? :S


they actually do interview on the spot, that means they will evaluate you when you present yourself, they do have few training session every few months, the customer services job in here if you speak fluent english is not a big deal and there are many companies that would hire you...i don t have any dominican cedula(identification) and it s been 2 years i am working, make your bet! ;-) i am sure you ll get it!
have a nice day, hasta la vista!



Just a thought but you could set up your own business teach english and french.  All the hotel and resort's are looking for bilingual speakers so there is a demand for people to learn english.

toro 125

Interesting. Have you look into Carl Morgan or other private schools. I check from time to time and they seem to have teachintg positions. That what my wife and i plan on doing when we both retire from US jobs. Dominican Republic is our number one destination down the road.



Do you live in Santo Domingo at the moment?
Any experience in managing local people?




I´m a school principal and my advive is this. Unfortunetly most of the teacher´s position are available when the school year starts (this is on most of the private school sector), and the interviews are mostly held up in person. So in your case it´s going to be hard to land a job if you are not here.

APEC (its a private university) as the Domínico Americano has a language institute, so they may hire teachers in different parts of the year.

If you are interested in the NGO sector, the spanish NGOs are the strongest therefore have more job offers for expats. You can look up the web page of AECID in DR, they have a list of spanish NGOs in the country with ways to get in touch with them.

If you decide to take a leap of faith and come to DR without a job, you can contact me to know if I or any other school that i know have a job opening (as for now my staff is complete).

Good luck!


alexbfull wrote:


Do you live in Santo Domingo at the moment?
Any experience in managing local people?


I do some placement and recruiting work so if I can be of help just ask!


To add to this resurrected thread:   it is very very hard to get a job here unless you are actually here!!!! So,  take the leap of faith but only if you have at least 6 months of living expenses in the bank to sustain you!

Come with a well prepared resume and understand the process is likely different here then where you are from!   If I can be of help send me your resume to and I will look it over for you.


Stream Global Services pays 480.00 (US) a month in salary. this is very little, can you tell me what the average cost of a one bedroom apartment would be, in a clean and safe area?


Welcome to the forums!  A one bedroom apt can range in price from as low as 5,000RD (125 US)  to  40,000RD  or about 1,000 US.  It depends what area,  how you want to live etc.

Bob K

Just think $480 a month is twice the average Dominican Salary

Bob K


So true Bob!!!!

Donato jeovany Sosa

Soy Mecanico d Campo en Mantenimientos Correctivos y Preventivos en Matores Wartsilas y hyundai y power plant Energy posteer by Donato Sosa cl 8094374623

Donato jeovany Sosa

I am Loog  kin for work in Mintenance Mechanic


Welcome Donato,  try posting in the jobs section, you will have more success!


is that every month?


Yes Anderson.


[Moderated: Please post in Jobs in Santo Domingo section]


Please put this in the jobs section of the classifieds.  Thanks!


yes my wife made 1250 usd a month and that is with a bachelors degree..and after 10 years


And your wife is unusual! Many  with degrees find it hard to make US 500 a month. 

For expats coming here, it is tough to make money without specific skill sets AND spanish.


Yes but she was in charge of the payroll, purchasing, HR,all the accounting and just about anything else they dumped on her. . They worked her like a donkey.
Another think people need to know is you may not get paid regularly. My wife worked for one of DR's largest construction companies. I convinced my wife to quit finally.


Not unusual to NOT get paid,  it creates real problems here for so many.

A good job here is about knowledge, language skills,  marketable skills (not the same elsewhere) and a whole lot of WHO YOU KNOW.  Jobs are often filled before many even know about them!

It is almost impossible to find a job without being here.