r Electrician, Refrigeration and HVAC mechanic.
• Electrical wiring and installation: experienced in installing, repairing, and maintaining electrical systems in
various environments. Lighting xtures and electrical control and distribution equipment, such as switches, relays,
dimmer, and circuit breaker installation, replace or repair. Pull wire through conduits, pipe tube channels, and
through holes in walls and oors to test the continuity of circuits using test equipment to ensure compatibility and
safety of the system. Splice, join, and connect wires to components to circuits.
• HVAC Systems Maintenance: Skilled in handling HVAC equipment, performing routine inspections, and identifying
potential issues Installation, Inspect, Maintain, and Repair Window, Split, Wall, Sealing, Roof Top, Central, AHU, FCU,
Ductable, and Package Type Air Conditioner. Fill refrigerant, leak test, gas welding with brazing, and brass rod.
Reciprocating, rotary, scroll, semi-sealed harmonium and various types of compressor installation, replacement, and
troubleshooting. Cooling and heating systems modify circuits and are chemically clean.
• Troubleshooting & Diagnostics: Procient in identifying and solving complex technical issues using advanced tools
and diagnostic techniques.
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