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Everything you need to know to work in Shanghai
Finding work in Shanghai
Shanghai frequently tops the list of the most desirable destinations for expats in China — in no small part thanks to the number of work options available in the city. Shanghai is the largest and most cosmopolitan in China and a world-class harbor of business and career opportunities. With the city's culture being much more western than in other first-tier cities in China, most expats find their work experience and skills easily transferable.
The workplace etiquette in Shanghai
Shanghai is China's most international city and the one with the highest number of expat residents. Thus, your employers and colleagues will probably be well aware of the potential cultural differences and will not expect you to fit in perfectly with the local ways. However, it is definitely a good idea to get to know about local culture and etiquette to limit the number of your potential faux pas.
The Shanghai labour market
Shanghai is China's leading economic powerhouse, the center of its financial and commercial activity, and the country's most prosperous city. It is also China's biggest port and technology hub. So it comes as no surprise that the city offers plenty of work opportunities in a variety of fields for expats. In fact, Shanghai is the number one destination for foreign professionals in China and has been continuously voted the best city for expats.
The labour market in China
China is an attractive destination for those seeking new professional and business opportunities. However, following the pandemic, finding work in the country has become more complicated. You will also need to take travel restrictions into account. Here's what you need to know about China's labor market.
Finding work in China
China continues to be an attractive destination for new and experienced professionals from around the world. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic, traveling to the country as well as obtaining a work permit has become much more complicated. Plus, because of some of the recently introduced policies, finding a job in the teaching industry in China has also become more difficult.  
Setting up a business in China
As the world's second economy, China attracts a lot of entrepreneurs and investors. However, running a business in China as an expat is not easy. It takes a lot of research, planning, paperwork, and a substantial investment. Here's everything you need to know about opening a company in China.  
Job candidates in Shanghai
Added on 09/12/2024
CNY 12000
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